Monday, November 10, 2008

Right or Kind

I listened to a Wayne Dyer speech last night on Youtube and he was saying "instead of choosing right, choose kind".... whats funny is that this really resonates with me. I know this to be true, i feel this in my soul when i hear it. But why is it sooo hard to act upon. Why do we hesitate to be kind? Why do we all feel that showing our kindness will mean showing our weakness. (altho to some it proves as true)If we forget about all the wrong people have done to us and just act kind ust as we have been taught to act as God would i think this will help us move toward that inner peace we are all searching for. Now, to do it.

Also I came to a conclusion as well about the type of books I like to read. Usually whatever book that is advertised on Oprah's soul series are usually the ones I go for, however not all books keep me interested to read up until the end. Some do, the ones about the soul, about inner peace, about finding who you are, and especially the ones that have amazing quotes and life lessons these are the ones I love and enjoy. Some of my favorite authors are Wayne Dyer, Iyanha Vanzant, Eckhart Tolle, Caroline Sutherland... and of course for motivation Anthony Robins. Can't wait to hit the book store soon!

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