Friday, February 27, 2015

The new the old the present the past the future!

We have soo much goin on this week! 

Tomorrow is little k's last day at daycare:(

He starts preschool on Monday!

Yesterday he went in for a couple hours.  He did so well and loved it!

I have all the gifts and cupcakes ready for tomorrow's last day. There will be a lot if tears!!! The moms at daycare are so upset too :( the kids are so close. 

This week we are also moving! 
So it's crazy hectic. 

Packing, moving, and buying new small appliances and furniture! The unpacking will take forever I'm sure ! 

Some new things... Microwave and toasted oven. 
More things to come this week and next! 

I just ordered the island stools online today! 

Little k loved showing his little cousin around. They loved the open space to run around too ha! 

Slowly we get settled in! 


Next week I'll have more of an update! 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Birthday fun.

Husband and niece's birthday! 

We had a fun weekend celebrating 2 beautiful people!

My beautiful niece turned 14, whoa14! Where does the time go! 
She loved her birthday gifts and we loved spending the day with her.

It's also my husbands birthday!!!
A big celebration for this amazing man.  We love you sooo much! 

Saturday night we went out for dinner and jazz.  

A great show! 

So much fun! 

Of course I took a picture of the belly in the bathroom. 

His birthday gifts from Little k and I.
Hugo boss tie clip and Hugo boss sunglasses! Sunglasses on order. 
Clip below! 

Little K loved that it was his daddy's birthday. He sang happy birthday, he helped blow out the candle and loved giving daddy his presents. So adorable!

This boy is starting preschool soon! 

We have an exciting busy week ahead! 

Happy Sunday! 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

14 weeks! Preggo post

How far along: 14 weeks 1 day 

Size of baby: Lemon 

Gender: not sure yet but a gender reveal party is in the works! 

Sleep: very good ha! Zzzzzz 

Cravings: again, more food aversions. Exactly like my pregnancy with Kristian.  I don't know what I what to eat until it's in front of my face! Which makes it very hard for meal planning and very easy for eating out ha!

Feelings: I feel great. So excited. The husband and a Kristian are so excited and treat me like a princess. Little k tell the baby he loves it everyday!! It's the cutest!

As I get bigger I want to make sure my skin still feels great. I used cocoa butter before but I found this new cream at Sephora that I'll try out. 

So far so good! I love the way it feels and absorbs. 

I'm loving my growing belly! 

14 weeks!!! 

Now to celebrate this man tonight ♥️
The birthday boy! 

More on this tomorrow! 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Exciting day!

Today we finally got to see our new home! It's ready! We are sooo excited to move in! 

City living was great for 3 months but we are sooo happy to get into our new home and live in the new area! 

We designed it all last year! So finally, getting to see it all put together was such a great feeling and relief haha! 

Last year little K was just 2yo with a pacifier as we walked through the model home for ideas. 

Now today we saw our finished product!

They did an amazing job. 

Here's our kitchen! 

I tried to take a lot of pics, but they didn't turn out so good, so I'll post what I got! 

Upstairs 5th room which is open concept so more for a reading room/playroom. Perfect for the kids! 

Our staircase.

Little K's room. 3 beautiful windows! 

Here's a little of the front entrance 

I can't wait to decorate! 

More posts to come! 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy Family Day!

Spending the whole weekend with my family made for a perfect family day long weekend. 

Our weekend began with Valentines Day! 

One of my Valentine's right there. Total cuteness! 

Kristian made me cupcakes at daycare. 
So yum lol 

Saturday night Husband and I went out to dinner and a comedy show. 
Yum! A very meaty dinner! 

We had a great time despite the freezing cold temperatures here. Haha. 

Little k spent Valentines night with his little cousins and grandma. Always surrounded by ladies haha. 

Sunday morning we took little K toRipley's  aquarium to celebrate the family weekend. 

So much to see and so much fun! 

I can just picture next year with 2 little ones. Kristian is going to love being a big brother.  He's always all over me, hugging and kissing the baby bump. 

Sunday night we had an engagement party. One of the Mr's friend is getting married and moving to Sweden! How cool is that! 

They had a book to sign when we walked in, but it was the coolest thing. They first took your picture with a poloroid and then you wrote around your picture. What a great memory to have! I'll use that idea in my next occasion that's for sure! 

The husband has an amazing group of friends. They were all so sweet. Some of them being the first time we met. They were at my service ha! Getting me food and drinks. They are all so happy for us and our growing family. 
Here I am wearing a maternity dress I bought. Perfect for the bump ha! And I can never go wrong with a black dress with MK heels and MK evening purse. 

A wonderful weekend. 

Happy family day! From our family to yours! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

13 weeks!

Pregnancy update! 

How far along: 13 weeks but I feel like I've been pregnant forever haha

Size of baby: Lime

Gender: can't wait to find out next month!

Sleep: no problem here! I am soo tired! Haha

Cravings: I have more food aversions than cravings. But in my cravings lists  it's anything salty but also strawberries and apples! 

We are so excited. Little K talks about the baby all the time. He will randomly kiss my belly and say he loves the baby. How sweet. ;)

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Family get- together.

Saturday night my brother hosted a family get together with just few of our family members. If it were our whole family, we'd need a hall! We have a huge family. 

It was so nice to catch up with everyone. We don't get to see eachother often but it was so was to pick up where we left off and talk for hours about past memories while creating new ones. Uncondional love and family togetherness under one roof. 

The bigs and the littles. 

The little enjoyed the endless amount of candy at the candy station and loves burning it off running around and playing together. 

Cousin love. Such a blessing to have so many littles around and so many more to come! 

Pin the something, haha they were so cute. 

My sister inlaw never fails when it comes to fun! Haha she had a list of games ready for the evening lol

Pass the egg game haha! We had some good laughs. 

Hold the pop can with a spaghetti game. lol

Which I failed at. 

They also had a artist come in to draw! 

Ha look at us! Love my family!! 

And look at this baby bump! 

Best foods this weekend for this preggo was sushi! And strawberry and lemon tarts. Delish! 

A wonderful night together with No judgments, just pure fun, smiles and all around respect and love for our family. 

We had a great weekend. Hope you all did too!! 

Pure Love. ♥️