Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ambition to Meaning Movie

Yesterday I had access to a free download on of Wayne Dyers new movie "Ambition to meaning".
I am in awww. The movie is peaceful, full of information, funny, emotional and an incredible inspiration . I highly recommend this movie to those looking for their meaning/purpose. He talks about just being and allowing the source of where we came from and who we really are in the inside take us where we need to go. He speaks about letting go of ego and truly living in peace and in truth. Now i know i had other posts below that conflict with the letting go of ego, but Wayne clears all that up. Its not about being stagnant without ego, its about following what the truth inside you wants to follow, and when you really look deep inside you can see the difference of EGO and Truth.
I will have more to write soon but for now, you should all go purchase this movie!

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