Monday, October 06, 2008

Just to start...

Monday morning and no working for the man! I should feel liberated and happy now I have all this time to myself and to our online business... but I kinda feel scared and unsure. I think I am still adjusting. From a book I just finished "the millionaire moron" says this has to do with social conditioning, and I know it does!... So today I started with my run on the track listening to Tony Robins on what fulfills us. He states 6 human needs, I just got through the first 3, but they are;
1. The need for certainty (comfort/peace)
2. the need for uncertainty (variety/surprise)
3. the need for significance (need to be needed)

What caught my attention the most was that for #1, if you are tooo certain it will = boredom and # 2 if you are too uncertain you may act out in negative ways.... so there needs to be a balance. This makes sense, I think right now i may be feeling the feeling of uncertainty due to losing my job, but by this i need to make goals to give myself 'variety' to feel 'certain' I'm on a path and have #3 significance.

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