Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Seeing things differently

I've been communicating with a distant cousin through email over a couple of weeks. He was one of the very few people that went and followed his dream. He said something today that touched my heart, the way he expressed his words has total truth in it, yet I never saw it this way before.

"I think some people are fragile. I think what makes them fragile makes them powerful and beautiful and wonderful. It also makes them vulnerable.
Fragile people see things that other people just don't see, they
understand things that other people can't understand. It means that
they can often feel alone in the way they see the world.
It is the fragile people who make the world move forward."

I know, did that not give you goose bumps.

Seeing things in a different light sometimes allows us to see the true meaning behind everything...

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