Thursday, December 04, 2008

Green Tea!

Jasmine Green tea is one of my favorites, a calming aroma and amazing green tea benefits.

Some sources I searched up online states the following benefits of green tea... So get drinking!

Green tea has antioxidant benefits which help regulate cholesterol and assist in weight loss. It also inhibits the cancer process at virtually every stage and much more benefits such as helping us live longer and healthier lives

But how much Green tea do we need to get these added benefits?... Says about 3-10 cups... realistically we can find time for 3, maybe 5 in our busy days. The article also states to be careful of bottled green tea beverages, they do not have the same benefits as brewing a fresh cup of green tea leaves.

There is a lot of info online on green tea, take the time to research a bit and lets cleanse our bodies and look forwards to healthy long lives with green tea!

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