Friday, December 05, 2008

Putting it together

Yesterday I had the aha moment, linking the "now" with reality. One thing I've learned from reading different types of self help books, is to take what relates to you, have an open mind when reading and also remembering that an author is writing from their own experiences and research and does not necessarily be what you need.

What I learned this week is this :

*Live life in the present moment, allowing yourself to take in the beauty of the day and also having the awareness to be and act who you are and want to be. This can only be done by living in the NOW. Living day by day not looking to far in the future as worry will stump your growth. Set your goals and move towards them one day at a time.

*Leave those limiting thoughts aside. Self criticism is the most paralyzing factor we could ever do to ourselves. Love yourself with your flaws and all, no one is perfect. We can always learn and move forward from our mistakes.

*Be grateful for all that you have, from the smallest miracle to the biggest. Being grateful allows happiness and love to flow through your body.

* No need to be materialistic, but do enjoy those great pleasures we are blessed with. The truth is, we do live in a materialistic world and it is not wrong (as some books state) to have nice things. All we need to remember is to make sure that we do not make these materialistic things make who we are. Who we are is based on your inner self, how you treat people, how you love life and how you are making a difference in your world. If you can separate yourself from the materialistic things then you can just enjoy and be grateful for these pleasures.

So far this is what I have learned thus far, I will continue to post more aha moments as they come along. ;) Time to enjoy the weekend living and loving.

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