Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Random Thoughts

Zoe loves books too! Ha! Some people post pics of their adorable babies that I love reading about, but for me, I currently just have an adorable furbaby Zoe :)

Speaking of Babies, husband and I are considering starting our family in about 2-4 years. I'm turning 28 this month and the more I get older the more I feel absolutely terrified with the thought of being a mom. Are these normal feelings? Like the feeling of: what if I'm a bad mom?, how will I know what to do?, or what if my child grows up to be a meany? LOL ,What if I drop it?, forget to feed it?, or forget it somewhere! and what if my body changes so much and I hate it (selfish, i know, but I hear stories!) what if what if what if! I really try not to think about it too much because this is what happens and sends me running the other way!

If having a furbaby is anything like a real baby (ahah!) I can see that I may be a paranoid, helicopter mom, wanting my child to live in a bubble . Since we have our trip in Sept for 1 week I'm looking into Kitty hotels for zoe since I don't really trust family to watch her with the fear she might run away... and shes a cat, imagine a baby! Poor family will never ever be left alone with my children.

These are my random ramblings of today. Am I alone on these crazy thoughts?

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