Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Soccer season and spring fun!

Finding the time to blog has been tough! But With 2 busy kiddos I'm usually exhausted by the end of the night!

Here I am tonight at midnight blogging!

Well I haven't blogged for a couple of weeks so I'll babble on about a few things! Ha!

Firstly! Soccer! Mr M is the coach haha! Yup I volunteered us! 

Soccer started on the pretty cold front, but warmer weather has finally arrived! 
I guess you can call me assistant coach. I set up the parent snack schedule and took attendance today haha. I try and help but baby M keeps me pretty busy.

Look how big my baby notsobaby is! 
He's learning new words everyday and he's soo independent! He's super sweet and cuddly, and always in a happy mood!  

This past weekend Mr M went to Formula  1 in Montreal 

It was me and the littles all weekend. So we traveled around visiting family. 
First stop my grandparents house. My grandfather was working on his garden. Little K is fascinated with it and can't wait to eat those veggies! 
Then we went to my brothers home for a BBQ. The kids were learning to chop wood haha! 

And me made s'mores! 


As we drove around the city and made it back home late Friday and Saturday night, all so smoothly- it just hit me that the boys are now in a different stage. A big boy stage. They didn't give me a hard time at all. Everything was so smooth all weekend. Eating, sleeping, mostly behaving. Haha life moves so fast and in a blink of an eye we moved to this new stage.
Love these boys so soooo much!!!

More exciting things to come the next couple of weeks! And our Nickelodeon trip! Can't wait to share that with you too! 

Have a great week friends! 







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