Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts

Monday, September 04, 2017

End of summer camping! 

This was our second annual camping trip with the kids. 

We picked a different camp site than last year. This place was an hour and a half away. The car was stuffed with our gear haha!

As soon as we arrived we set up camp! 

I think roasting marshmallows was the kids favorite thing to do. They loved the hammock too! 

The first day was warm and sunny. So we went to the beach! A short drive from the camp site. The sand was fluffy and the water so clear. The view amazing. 

It was so relaxing and the weather was perfect. 

That same night after we went to sleep all cozy in our tent. It rained all night. Which made for a chilly second day. 

Which was ok for this park because there were so many trails for exploring. 

We dressed warm and went for a nice trail walk. 

The kids were so cute walking with their sticks. Their eyes were wide and they were excited walking in nature and learning new things. I learned new things too ha! 

We had fun climbing rocks, and throwing pebbles and making wishes. 

The boys loved this! 

Camping with a toddler wasn't the easier thing. Mr in and out of everthinh kept us on our toes. 

Little K loved helping make the BBQ.

We had a fun, cozy, family time weekend with so much snuggling, 

The last night both kids fell asleep in each of our arms as we sat by the fire. It was so peaceful. Holding the boys so cold as these years go by quick! Mr K begins grade 1 tomorrow!! Baby M is talking so much and wants to be Mr independent. We cherish these times so much! 

Summer 17! 

Monday, July 10, 2017

Nickelodeon Punta Cana Pt 3

More and more pictures of our fun trip! 

Infinity pools over looking the ocean. Ahhh so relaxing. 

The weather was awesome when we went. We had one cloudy day but the rest of the days were sunny bright and hot! 
SPF 50 was lathered on us all! 

Lots of cold icy drinks needed

Ha or just cover yourself with sand and hide from the sun heehee

Let's talk about this foam party haha

The nightly entertainment was awesome. They had 2 different areas with entertainment. One for kids and one for adults. Both were very good. 

One night was a foam party in the lazy river. It was crazy! Baby M was terreified so only MR M and little K went in. 


 So much fun! 

I bought a waterproof case for my iPhone. Little K was obsessed! He was making so many videos swimming with it. 
When we first got to our swim up suite, little k needed his floaties because it's a bit deep for him. But by the end of the week he was a pro and swimming back wall to wall on his own and he was soo proud! 

Baby M hated his floaties and wanted to follow big brother on swimming on his own. Ha! Oh boy. He can't wait to get swimming lessons.


 This trip was for our 10 year wedding anniversary. So of course we did a beach photo shoot! 

These pictures are from my iPhone. The real ones are still on the CD! 


 Nickelodeon 2017!