Tuesday, October 21, 2008


As we continue our steps and strategies to grow our business the one thing i learned so far is to stay "focused". Not one day goes by where we are not thinking or working on the business. Next week we are implementing some new marketing strategies we have never tried before. Extremly excited, I do have a good feeling about the new focus! $$$$

As we all are feeling the economic slump even here in Toronto, Canada we decided to take the house off the market. For now. Our focus is still on our business and still on our travels but we will wait until the spring in hopes the market is much better. However, I do love my house, which I'm sure I mentioned before! So I am thinking "Can we have it all?" What do you think? for years now "The Secret" And "Law of Attraction" and Mr God of course had led me to believe anything is possible, I am sure that WE can have it all! Tonight I will make my wish board, which is all the things I want, by doing this and keeping it at eye level will remind me always of what I want, therefore staying Focused!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Burrr a cold and cloudy Monday morning! Although other than today's gloomy day we have been having a beautiful sunny gorgeous autumn so far! Since I have been working from home I am noticing the "little" things like the beautiful fall colors, the people taking daily walks or jogs in the park. Sometimes in our busy go go lives, its nice to stop and really focus on the present. As Elkart Tolle (A new Earth) states "livng in the now" stopping to smell the roses. These are the things in life that we need to stop and feel, this is real life.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Seeing things differently

I've been communicating with a distant cousin through email over a couple of weeks. He was one of the very few people that went and followed his dream. He said something today that touched my heart, the way he expressed his words has total truth in it, yet I never saw it this way before.

"I think some people are fragile. I think what makes them fragile makes them powerful and beautiful and wonderful. It also makes them vulnerable.
Fragile people see things that other people just don't see, they
understand things that other people can't understand. It means that
they can often feel alone in the way they see the world.
It is the fragile people who make the world move forward."

I know, did that not give you goose bumps.

Seeing things in a different light sometimes allows us to see the true meaning behind everything...

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

First Day

Today was the first day I made a sales call for our company..EEE even had the Cat meowing in the background! We need to start somewhere i guess. We will grow as we learn what works and doesn't work. We have had our company for about 7 years now WOW, and just this year we started seeing is grow quickly! Now that I'm home, I'll see if telephone sales will help.

I'm reading this book at the moment called "The Science of getting rich" So far, this book states that by following exactly what it says you'll get rich, basically using the law of attraction "THE SECRET".... I will definitely keep you updated on this. I am a strong believer that we have control over what happens. And as i mentioned before with my lay off.

Quote from book
"there is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates,penetrates, and fills the inter spaces of the universe"
"a thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by thought"
"a person can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created"

I love it!

Monday, October 06, 2008

Just to start...

Monday morning and no working for the man! I should feel liberated and happy now I have all this time to myself and to our online business... but I kinda feel scared and unsure. I think I am still adjusting. From a book I just finished "the millionaire moron" says this has to do with social conditioning, and I know it does!... So today I started with my run on the track listening to Tony Robins on what fulfills us. He states 6 human needs, I just got through the first 3, but they are;
1. The need for certainty (comfort/peace)
2. the need for uncertainty (variety/surprise)
3. the need for significance (need to be needed)

What caught my attention the most was that for #1, if you are tooo certain it will = boredom and # 2 if you are too uncertain you may act out in negative ways.... so there needs to be a balance. This makes sense, I think right now i may be feeling the feeling of uncertainty due to losing my job, but by this i need to make goals to give myself 'variety' to feel 'certain' I'm on a path and have #3 significance.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Now What?

I was laid off Wednesday, today is Friday. A beautiful fall day fresh and sunny. I started listening to Anthony Robins personal power cd's to get me motivated, tho still in shock with mixed emotions about the lay off. I am pumped and ready for this change! (ok and scared, but that's what Tony is here for) This is right where i am suppose to be! I am also reading a new book I came across to get me OUT of this social conditioning of a JOB. The book is called "The Millionaire Moron". So far so good....

Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Universe made its claim

This is where the Secret comes in, the universe aligning itself. Our focus wanted to be on our online business and yesterday it happened. Yesterday I went into work as usual got my Skinny Vanilla Latte at 9am and was called into a meeting with my manager at 915am, Due to economic changes i was laid off. I didnt know what to feel, I was happy and all I thought was , WOW this is the secret coming into play. We wanted the chance to give more time to our online business and now we get that chance.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Through the week

Only Tuesday, and I feel that there is soo much to do. The house is for sale and we are anxious to sell. We are still indecisive about the move to San Diego. The adventure would be amazing and i know if we wanted this its the best time to do it. So far the plan is Sell and keep costs low whether that's buying a house or condo we still do not know...

Monday, September 08, 2008

Whats the plan...

Ok, so I decided from this day on I will log my husband and I's life plan. We are a couple that never stops wishing/hoping/dreaming/wanting more.. you name it!.... We started thinking about a major move to San Diego. A place where we feel we can really connect our inner selves and our online business. Friday night we went to a dance that my uncle and aunt hosted. We admire my Uncle for all his successes and for the humble man he is (my dads brother) He told us that San Diego is one of his favorite places and he himself would love to live there. He said he has many friends there and loves visiting San Diego. "If you go to San diego, you are not coming back!" We only have been there once but absolutely loved it. The weather, the people the calmness! (for me) we just fell in love with that city! We usually don't have many adults around us that give us any advice, so speaking to my uncle and finding out he to loves Sandiego too was amazing to us...