Thursday, March 12, 2009

Abusive Relationships

Thursday on Oprah they were talking about the Rihanna and Chris situation. Physical and emotional abuse.

They were discussing the damage physical abuse is on women, scaring their self-esteem and self worth making them feel that this is what they deserve and the reason why women in these situations stay in the abusive relationships and do not get out.

Emotional abuse is just as bad...I feel that Psychical and emotional abuse are equal in the damage it causes. Both destroy your self esteem and self worth and scar you forever.

We all can see the scars of Physical abuse, as its obvious, Rihanna pics prove that. But what about emotional abuse. So many women we meet and know may have these scars on the inside. Emotional abuse scars you on the inside effecting how you live your live and the choices you make and the fake smile on your face. Feeling unworthy, not good enough. It targets your mind and sends wrong messages too who you are and what you are worth. Tyra Banks was discussing how she was in an emotional abusive relationship when she was a model at the top of her game and although she was famous she felt horrible about herself and had low self esteem. How do you know you are being emotionally abused? Other than the obvious behaviors of possessiveness, jealousy and controlling behaviors, other behaviors may not be that obvious. It can begin on other levels. Criticism about who you are, what you look like, what you do and what you've done. Blows to your self esteem, making you feel like anything and everything you do is never good enough. Saying mean and hurtful things to you to make you feel vulnerable and low. Some of these behaviours can sneak up on you, they may have been there all along then you realize only once you start noticing that you do not know who you are anymore... I think this topic is so important for us women to understand. In fact men and women, children together, we should never allow someone else to judge, criticize, hurt, put down our self esteem. No one has the right to do this to another human being...

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