Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Book

The UltraMind Solution how to fix your broken brain... This book has information on how to get rid of so called diseases of the mind such as depression, ADD, compulsive disorder, bipolar etc etc by changing our food intake and possible environmental toxins. I just started reading it and so far so good but I am still at the beginning where it is just discussing examples of medications not being able to cure what they are said to be curing. Covering the problem not curing it. Did you know that "antidepressent" type drugs are top 2 of the most prescribed meds! Wow This book states that with taking care of your body and brain you can get Brain healthy without use of these drugs.

I'm not one to drastically change my ways like eat nothing but organic foods, I just wouldn't know what to do or where to start... But I can make some changes and choose some foods that are better than others with the proper guidance. I'm hoping this book will help with that, finding "Brain foods" etc. So far I read that Omega 3 is definitely needed for Brain health. So I'll write that down on my list. It also says refined Sugars are the worst for Brain health. Ok I know we allll know this, but really how can you totally get away from all sugar, I just dont see this ever happening, ever!... I will continue to read and maybe this book will offer much more to the insight of Brain health along with many nutritous changes we can all adapt to easily.

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