Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hump Day not so good update

I feel like this today - Minus the hair... ok and the horns- hahaah!

Seems like so far I can only do one thing at a time, it's either eat healthy, or exercise. Why is it so hard to combine the both? We have been going the park for our runs and it is going really well. However I think because of the extra work outs my appetite is increasing as well and a salad is not what I'm craving - fast food is! Last night at 11pm my husband and I went to McDonald's for a chicken wrap, which we painfully ordered since the Big mac was really what was calling my name!

I need to learn how to change these habits before they happen.

The issue: Evening hunger strikes for junk food! Tonight I'm going to try and eat before the hunger strike happens. I think around 9pm I will eat a snack. Today i will try crackers and cheese ;) I think the salt on the crackers will help calm cravings.

I will not do a weigh in until Monday so for now I'll do my best in combining healthy eating and exercise. We will go back to the park again today for our hour run, we are on a roll!. The park also has a Zoo and as big kids we have to go through it after our runs hahah.


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope the food combining info helps. Yeah, the evening snacking thing can be tough. I like popcorn. One key thing is eating frequent small meals so your stomach shrinks and you get full with way less food. I am adding you to my blog list and you are in my prayers!

  2. evenings have always been hard for me too... but they're getting easier now! after dinner i have 1/2 a piece of fruit for a taste of something sweet and if i get hungry later in the evening, i'll have a big glass of flavored sparkling water or some tea. seems to help! or if i really need to snack, 1/2 apple with peanut butter usually does the trick.

    i've discovered that if i don't eat anything after dinner, i notice the difference on the scale at the end of the week!! :)

    sounds like you're doing great with your workouts! i'm working on that...

  3. Good luck with your weigh in!!

  4. I love that you are planning a way to help before the craving start. good for you!

    (But I must say- I love a nice Big Mac. Oooo- I must stop thinking about it!)

  5. So far I'm doing pretty good, I hope I keep it going on the weekend. Thx for all your comments! ;)

    (oh big mac, so good but sooo bad lol)
