Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ate too much! and shopped a lot!

Tonight my sister and I went to the mall. A much needed shopping night to de-stress! I bought a couple fall shirts, a vest, a floral belt and new yoga pants for my workouts! (the workouts I need to increase on) Work is totally draining me! My weeks have been soo busy and flying by! This week I left work later than usual and that means I did not cook all week! Not once! Yesterday we went to a Indian/Chinese Hakka Restaurant and ordered way too much food for 2 people hA!
I do not want to get on that scale! My rings are already feeling snug! I can't believe how stress really does a number on our bodies and lifestyle. Stress sucks!

The good thing is that I have been bringing my lunches and having fruits and veggies for snacks.

So this weekend I must must get myself back on track!!


  1. mmm... that food looks good! we always order way too much when we go out for chinese. sorry you've had so much stress lately, but i'm sure you'll get back on track no problem! and today's friday!! yay!!
