Thursday, March 17, 2011

New Espresso Machine!

This weekend is my niece's Baptism and my husband and I are going to be her Godparents! We are so excited, happy and blessed. My family came over last night and my Brother and SIL brought us a gift...
This Espresso Machine! We were not expecting anything at all and it was such a surprise to get this awesome gift. We love it!

We ordered Chinese Food and had a great night. My Sister the little baker made these yummy cupcakes Baby M is getting so big and she is so cute!
She wanted to hold the iphone so badly, she is so smart haha! She loves when you sing to her and she always makes eye contact to make sure you are looking at her haha!

Look at this face!


  1. i LOVE your espresso machine, we're looking for a new one just like that! those cupcakes look like they would go perfectly w/ an espresso. :)
    your niece is SO stinking cute, i bet she's a blast to hang out with!!

  2. Her face is sooooooooo cute!! love it!

  3. hey momma! my weight loss blog challenge is up! we start monday! we all get to be sexy for the summer! xoxo!!!!

  4. espresso and cupcakes TOTALLY NOT FAIR. I want one of those coffee mabobs that you stick the little coffee packet thingy magigy in and then POOF COFFEE. I played with one at a catering event and I fell in love with it.
