Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Baby... I mean toddler

I can't tell you how happy I am to see the temperature for the week!

I'm excited to be outdoors! And with a toddler full of energy he is excited too!

Little K is changing sooo much! He is certainly not my baby anymore but a full out toddler. Showing his independence everyday. I'm not going to lie. It's breaking my heart. I'm excited and happy seeing him grow and learn new things every minute! But it also makes my heart ache a little. He's growing soo fast!

It's almost unbelievable that last year at this time he was still nursing all day and just starting solids, babbling away, still in my arms and still waking at night to nurse.

Now he's eating everything and always begging for more, babbling and talking, and running so fast not wanting to be held and sleeping all night. Last year I couldn't even imagine my little boy the way he is today. It's amazing, a really amazing feeling.

Where do the days go! I need to to slow down just a bit!

I love my little guy soooo much!!