Monday, May 15, 2017

Mother's Day fun!

We had a jammed packed weekend! 

Friday night began with a girls dinner out!
Steak and wine, this moms fave things! Ha! 

Saturday we had a friends party. A 100 day old celebration! 

The kids had a blast! 

Dressed in matching shirts... sorry boys, I'll do this for as long as I can!!! Haha


 Little k loves the food. So many yummy dishes! 

Sunday I woke up to breakfast made by the boys. Thanks my loves! 

And these beautiful flowers. Little k wanted 3 pink, 3 red and 3 orange for me. 

They made the cutest Mother's Day cards. 

Little k wrote that he loves my feet because I always paint them. How adorable was that. I also love that he thinks I'm 31 :) 

Our Mother's Day tradition is going to the blue Jays game! 

This was us last year 

Here we are this year! 
The kids thought it was the coolest! We had popcorn and cotton candy and so much fun! 




We were sitting close to the field! There were a lot of balls flying our way ha!


My little blue Jays! Love these boys so much and I  love making these memories with them. 

And of course we had to get a hot dog while downtown! 

We walked around for a bit until we were all exhausted and ready to get home! 

I had the best Mother's Day a mommy could ask for :) 





Sunday, May 07, 2017

weekend fun!

Today we headed out to Canada's wonderland! 

The kids love the wagon. It was a little chilly so it was perfect all cozy in there. 

The boys love the dinosaur walk. So of course that was the first place we headed to when we got there!

 We went on a bunch of ride. Baby M isn't afraid at all! And totally loved it! 

 We did a lot of walking! Which is great to now add this to our summer fun! 

Saturday was a rainy cold day so we went to swimming lessons then over to my grandparents house.


I don't know why I haven't figured out how to put videos on my blog :/ but Mr. K performed a piano song he learned with his teacher for us today. He was so cute. He knew it was a performance and wanted to wear his power ranger costume to perform. Ha! He cracks me up. 


The beginning of the school year I volunteered to make playdoh every couple of months. Tomorrow is the last for the school year! I totally perfected making playdoh. I use my kitchen aid mixer. 

2 cups of flour 
2 tbsp cream of tarter 
1/2 cup salt
2 tbsp of oil 
1 cup of boiling water with the food coloring in it. 
Mix it all up!

No filter! I used the neon food coloring!

I can't believe we are in the second week of May!!! I started getting organized for  our trip in June! Making sure we have summer clothes that fit! Haha. That goes for me too! 

Have a great Monday friends, I'm exhausted and need to get some zzzz's



Thursday, April 27, 2017

Just a little this and that

These boys are feeling soo much better than last week! Last week was rough! They both got a nasty virus that had them soo sick for days!

But we are all over it! 

One doctor told us to try Elderberry syrup. So that's our new go to syrup when we catch a cold. 

The boys had sprint day at school. Little K wore Blue Jays and baby M worse pj's 

Baby M is growing up so fast! Second children waste no time huh! 

He learns so fast and copies big bro, he wants to be just like him. 

He runs to the piano as soon as he sees his brother going to practice. We know he will love piano lessons when it's his turn. Little K is doing really well with his lessons as well. Next week he needs to perform a song for us :) can't wait! 

Baby M has the cutest little personality. He's happy and active and strong willed. He knows how to use the word NO perfectly and it always makes us laugh. 

He wants to do everything on his own! 
He is telling us that he wants to potty train. He goes into the washroom, pretends to use the toilet, flushes the toilet, washes his hands and turns off the light. Many times a day! Ha! 

He is the youngest at daycare and he walks in like he owns the place. 

He follows the routine to a teee! 

Walking in, getting his shoes, feeding the fish. His teachers say that he's the naptme leader, pressing the play button to play lullabys for nap time then he runs over to his cot to sleep. 

When I pick him up, he runs soo fast right in my arms with the biggest smile! That always makes my day. Then he runs over to change his shoes and gets his coat. He even places his shoes exactly where they need to be.

Who is this baby! 

They grow up fast! I don't want to forget a thing!!
Love these kiddos soo much.

Yay to the weekend! So much fun planned this weekend. :) 

Have a great weekend friends! 



Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Spring things!

I'm still here friends! I've been MIA from the blog world because we've been crazy busy every weekend with fun events! 

We've had birthday party fun.

My nieces 4 year old troll birthday :) haha she's the cutest. 


Those adidas gold strip runners were a little bit of challenge to get! Being sold out and size not being true to size. But I got them! Yay! #sportymom 

Yes I'll include hashtags for fun on my blog ha! 

Oh speaking of blogs! :) I created a new Review blog! 
I have one post so far, but many more to come! 

The past few weeks have been up and down with colds and ear infections. We can't wait for some warm weather! And our beach trip only a few months away! 

 Which has me thinking! I want to start the 21 day fix again! I know it works ! That's how I lost 20lbs  last summer. I really want to drop 20 more! 

Ok on to what else we did these past weekends, oh yes. More birthday parties. 


 Love these boys sooo much! 

 Baby M is getting into his terrible 2's  well more like "I'll do what I want when I want 2's" ha! He keeps us busy!!!!

Easter weekend was spent with family .


 Mr K also got a cute little haircut. He was upset at first because he thinks his friend (a girl he likes) wouldn't recognize him with short hair. Ha! How cute. 


We had a chocolatey Easter. 



This pic makes me laugh. Just shows how baby M is just all over and in everything! 

Hope you all had a great Easter weekend! 

I'll be back blogging my progress on the 21 day fix!