Tuesday, January 27, 2009


How do people sit still? Why is it that some of us can go through the day to day repetitiveness and some of us get bored real quick and strive to be different?... My husband and I are the ones that strive to be different. We want more than to just work, save, spend, take a trip and start all over again. So as I mentioned before the "considering" moving to San Diego, we decided that we want to travel 6months-a year at a time to live in different cities enjoy different weather, cultures and environments. Meet new people from all walks of life! This I find fun and NOT boring. I guess you can say it's the adventure of taking the road less travelled...If you are reading my blog today, let me know what you think, have you travelled the world, (not just taking trips we all have done those), but really living and being somewhere different, starting over somewhere new, share your stories with me, How did you overcome the social conditioning of what taught to us... let me know ;)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day 2009!!!

(pic from Cnn.com)
Amazing! Exciting! Life Changing! Just a few words to describe what is happening today! Barack Obama becomes president of the United States of America today! I am a Canadian and I feel the power of change that Barack will make as the first African American president! Not only is the change for the USA but it truly is being felt around the whole world.
So if you are like most of us today, if you were lucky to be there live or from the comfort of your home glued to the television, we are all connected and ALL witnessing History in the making!
On my personal note, this is such an inspiring day ... my dreams of moving to San Diego are becoming more real...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ambition to Meaning Movie

Yesterday I had access to a free download on Hayhouse.com of Wayne Dyers new movie "Ambition to meaning".
I am in awww. The movie is peaceful, full of information, funny, emotional and an incredible inspiration . I highly recommend this movie to those looking for their meaning/purpose. He talks about just being and allowing the source of where we came from and who we really are in the inside take us where we need to go. He speaks about letting go of ego and truly living in peace and in truth. Now i know i had other posts below that conflict with the letting go of ego, but Wayne clears all that up. Its not about being stagnant without ego, its about following what the truth inside you wants to follow, and when you really look deep inside you can see the difference of EGO and Truth.
I will have more to write soon but for now, you should all go purchase this movie!

Monday, January 05, 2009

A New Year!

So it's the new year and we all have new goals that need to be made. Personal goals, business goals and life goals.

Last night my husband and i sat down and wrote out our new goals for 2009. Goals that consist of losing weight, making and saving more money, travel goals etc

The approach we like to take may be helpful for you. We like to listen to the Anthony Robins goal setting workshop but when we don't have time we summarize what he's taught us to the below.

1. First we write down all that we want, everything and anything, from things to spiritual to education to silly things to anything that we want to have/achieve this year!

2. Then we take the top 10 (depending on how many things you want this year) and list them out with reasons why we want them.

example : Learn to speak Italian - Why I want to learn? So that when I travel to Italy I can communicate with the locals and improve the quality of my stay by speaking my way around!

You need to have a reason that makes sense to you and a reason for wanting the thing you want will help you want and get it more!

3. Once reasons are all written out, we write beside them what we will do right now to achieve them. Example: Order "learn Italian" Cds Online.
And do what you say you will do, thats taking the first step in getting what you want!

4. Put a time line on each goal. Whether its 6 months 1 year you want to achieve it, just put a date so you can get reminded on how close or far you are from your goal.

5. Next I hang my goals where i see them everyday, beside a mirror where i get ready, a place you know you will look so you can be reminded!

Writing your goals are very important once you start your first step in achieving them the universe will help you out and give you a push tooo!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Whats new

1 week to Christmas, soo exciting. I feel good this year. I feel I helped in giving more than last year in hopes of increasing it every year. I'm excited to give gifts and receive them tooo! Such a happy and fun time of year.

I'm also excited to see Wayne Dyer, he will be coming to our hometown in April so I cant wait to get tickets. He will also have a movie out in January that I pre-ordered on Amazon. Ambition to meaning.

Check it out:


Friday, December 05, 2008

Putting it together

Yesterday I had the aha moment, linking the "now" with reality. One thing I've learned from reading different types of self help books, is to take what relates to you, have an open mind when reading and also remembering that an author is writing from their own experiences and research and does not necessarily be what you need.

What I learned this week is this :

*Live life in the present moment, allowing yourself to take in the beauty of the day and also having the awareness to be and act who you are and want to be. This can only be done by living in the NOW. Living day by day not looking to far in the future as worry will stump your growth. Set your goals and move towards them one day at a time.

*Leave those limiting thoughts aside. Self criticism is the most paralyzing factor we could ever do to ourselves. Love yourself with your flaws and all, no one is perfect. We can always learn and move forward from our mistakes.

*Be grateful for all that you have, from the smallest miracle to the biggest. Being grateful allows happiness and love to flow through your body.

* No need to be materialistic, but do enjoy those great pleasures we are blessed with. The truth is, we do live in a materialistic world and it is not wrong (as some books state) to have nice things. All we need to remember is to make sure that we do not make these materialistic things make who we are. Who we are is based on your inner self, how you treat people, how you love life and how you are making a difference in your world. If you can separate yourself from the materialistic things then you can just enjoy and be grateful for these pleasures.

So far this is what I have learned thus far, I will continue to post more aha moments as they come along. ;) Time to enjoy the weekend living and loving.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Diva in you- and the Now

So I'm currently facing a dilemma. Many of the current books I am reading about the "Now" way of living is not fitting in well with the way life is being lived by every single person and thing around us. Here's the problem. Living in the now, nice and calm etc is all good until you are slapped in the face with other peoples opinions and way of life. No one else understands the concept of the NOW and they are not living by it. In a way make me feel sort of like an outcast and not being able to relate to many people anymore...So how do we combine the NOW with realistic life situations. Because no matter how hard you try the EGO is EGO and with everyone elses ego circulating we really have no way out and our EGO is demanding attention too! (unless your on a private island, this is the only way I see it really working).... Ok, so Ive been taking a grain of truth from some situations and decided to change my ways. Going back to 2 years ago before the "NOW" to a book I read in front of the Punta Cana beach, called "I AM DIVA!"
This book talks about feeling good about YOU inside and out but showing it through Passion and Charm... The book has many related topics to the NOW but realistic to what we are facing everyday to things that matter. Feeling good about the way we look and dress and if that means wearing makeup or getting your hair done to feel good, then thats what we need to do!.... Even if it is feeding EGO! EGO is a part of life, a part of us... letting it go is like dying inside and pretty much BORING toooo.

I think I've ranted enough :) but I will write out some parts of the book I enjoyed;

"The trapped feeling comes from living a life governed by expectations"

"All the joy comes from living Diva!"

"style is a mode of expression, it doesn't come from reading fashion magazines or buying trendy items , it comes from knowing who we are, being proud of it and expressing in uniquely"


Green Tea!

Jasmine Green tea is one of my favorites, a calming aroma and amazing green tea benefits.

Some sources I searched up online states the following benefits of green tea... So get drinking!

Green tea has antioxidant benefits which help regulate cholesterol and assist in weight loss. It also inhibits the cancer process at virtually every stage and much more benefits such as helping us live longer and healthier lives

But how much Green tea do we need to get these added benefits?...
http://www.greentea.com/ntabout.aspx Says about 3-10 cups... realistically we can find time for 3, maybe 5 in our busy days. The article also states to be careful of bottled green tea beverages, they do not have the same benefits as brewing a fresh cup of green tea leaves.

There is a lot of info online on green tea, take the time to research a bit and lets cleanse our bodies and look forwards to healthy long lives with green tea!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Giving Back

The Holidays are here and only 1 month left to shop for Christmas gifts!! I have my list for gifts to my family and friends all I need to do is get out there and shop!

But every year this time around my not be as exciting for some. Those families that cant afford much and the children that may miss out on getting those special gifts from Santa. Every year I like to take part in giving back to those in need. Even the smallest good deed will make a difference. This year my church is asking for volunteers to make food gift baskets to give to families in need in our community. My sister and I will be taking part. We are really excited. We will also donate gifts to the Chum city foundation. These are some ways we will be giving back this year.

I know life can be busy and there may be lots on your plate, but like I said even the smallest donation can help.

Here are some ways you can help;

1. Give your pocket change to those collecting money in front of your grocery store
2. Buy some extra canned food and drop it off at the front of the grocery store on your way out, most grocery stores have a huge box ready to accept donations.
3. Buy some of your gifts from corporations that donate the proceeds to the needy.
4. Pay attention to events hosted in your community to support the ones in need.
5. Clean out your closets, Donate Winter attire for the homeless

These are just some easy ways to give back this season, any one of us can do this with little effort. Imagine what we can do WITH some Extra Effort! We all need to reach out and help someone in need especially during the holidays ;)

Some Toronto Charities

Salvation Army http://www.salvationarmy.ca/
Chum City Wish http://www.thewish.ca/wishCore.cfm
Covenant house http://www.covenanthouse.on.ca/Public/Default.aspx?I=1925&n=Christmas+Story

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Now

Many Self help Spiritual books talk about the NOW. Putting focus on what people today are forgetting to do. Most of us live very busy lives never stopping to take it all in. Eckart Tolle has more of a inner spiritual way of seeing the now. Letting go of Ego, becoming one with nature, and the NOW would be fully experiencing every thing in the moment without letting thoughts or emotion in. So how do we really apply it to REAL life? My husband who has also read Echkart Tolle's book the New earth has different way of putting it. Being in the now is not only about letting go of all we were taught and going just for a peaceful quiet experience (what fun is that!), but instead living in the now with all that is our life and all that of which excites us (yes EGO TOO!) We are all different so we need to apply what the NOW means to us....Here is my husbands meaning of the NOW:

What is the now, what does it mean to live in the now?

I understand it as this..

1. The now is the clothes we wear (Are you really paying attention and
dressing to your best?) Going out and presenting yourself the way you want to be presented

2. The now is where we live (Is it really up the standards you can have
right now?)

3. The now is in what you do with your extra time? (Are you really
spending your hours constructively?)

4. The now is in the shape of your body? (Are you really happy with your
health and physic?)

Think about what's important to you right now and
ask yourself. Am I matching up to my expectations in that area with
what I am capable of doing at the present moment? If the answer is no I
can do better, then that means your not living in the now.