Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Last Wednesday the DVD i ordered came in. Ambition to meaning by Wayne Dyer I watched it online a couple weeks ago but so much better to watch on TV. I wrote before about the Ego and the back and forth of don't we need Ego to move forward to achieve isn't that all ego when we want more and more... Wayne Dyer explains it much better in his movie. He explains that Ego is the false self, and your authentic self is beyond ego. Meaning that if you are following what you truly want to follow then you are not following ego. Ok so how to differentiate this? Wayne says that when you are going towards something with "bad feelings" like fear, anger, doubt, envy, then most likely these are EGO driven wants. When you have that happiness inside towards something you want then its not ego, its your authentic self.

To be honest with you at this point today I kind of don't care to start analyzing whether its my ego or not wanting things, (I read numerous book on it and I guess I'm tired of analyzing) i figure I'm just going to be!.. whatever way that is. In most cases we all follow what makes us happy or feel good anyway.

What I do like about this DVD is that it reminds us to be kinder and unselfish, and there's nothing bad about that, we could use kinder people in the world today :) I know many people I think follow their Ego, but if they would stop and be kinder, gentler, non judgmental, unselfish.. then having good qualities overall make up who you are and how you live your life, with or without ego.

These are just my thoughts ;)

Monday, February 09, 2009

Flu is gone!!

Flu is 100% gone :)

I will hand it to lots of rest and eating well, well just eating in general heehee.

My husband and I stayed in the whole weekend resting watching movies, doing the least possible. At the peak of our flu we found ourselves getting depressed almost, I guess it was the tiredness and being sick, but we felt like life wasn't so bright. I call this the "I didn't do my homework feeling" LOL. Not sure if you remember when you were a kid and if you didn't do your homework or did something wrong you hand those anxieties in your tummy. Well that's the "i didn't do my homework" feeling we get sometimes when things look gloom. So on the weekend we found ourselves being extreeemly pessimistic, lots of feelings of not doing our homework talking about how we want or don't want things or how we need or have to do so much. We had to tell ourselves to stop thinking and just sleep instead. Then today we are feeling much much better and our thoughts are back to optimism and things are back to normal and looking brighter. Just shows that when things are out of balance in your body like sickness or fatigue, it really effects your mind and thoughts. If your body feels bad then most likely your mind feels bad too. That's why they say that exercise is great for the mind too, it gives us energy and makes us feel good creating the happy feelings for our minds :)

Now that the flu is gone, I want to get back on the health track this week. I'm following some weightloss blogs getting great ideas. So this week I want to focus on eating healthy and getting back into the grove of exercise :)

Friday, February 06, 2009

The Flu :(

So my husband has been sick with the flu since Monday and I just got it yesterday :(.
Trying to stay rested and drinking lots of fluids and trying to eat nutritious foods. I always feel that food cures everything (could be that I just love to eat LOL) So I made Avocado salads for us and Fruit smoothies with Greens Plus in it. I feel that as we are getting older our flus/colds feel so much worse than they did when we were young. This scares me and makes me feel that we really need to whip back into shape and eat healthy daily to ensure our bodies are strong to fight these nasty flu's. My husband has it pretty bad and has had a fever a couple times through the week and also has swollen glands that has his neck swollen. A remedy his mother gave us is to cut up potatoes and place slices on the area that's swollen and wrap a cloth around his head never heard of this myself but what the heck we'll give it a shot... I hope it works.

Well I'm off to rest, resting is #1 to getting over the flu. Wish me luck ;)

Monday, February 02, 2009

A drink or 2

Sat night was the UFC fight, I'm not into any of that but rather than staying home I went along with my husband and brother inlaws to a bar in our area. After the fight we all came back to our place and had a few drinks. I have 3 brother inlaws there are 4 boys including my husband all ranging in the ages of 20-30, my husband being the oldest.

Seems as though we are all going through that stage of "what is life all about anyway!"? Some more than others. I myself have been self analyzing me since I was 21 (the year my dad passed) So I feel I'm a little ahead of them as far as personal growth goes, altho i still have soo soo much to learn.

So we talked about social conditioning of society, the whole ; go to school, get a job, get married, buy a house, have a family etc etc... I myself had a really hard time working on my own business because I felt my worth was based on what type of "job" I had.

We all know that to be happy we need to follow what we want for ourselves which each of us has different ways of wanting to be, some more materialistic than others, some wanting to give back more to the world, some wanting to travel and some just wanting to get by.

But the main thing was, that yes we know we must follow what we want for "ourselves" but when it's different than what society or parents tell you then we find it extremely hard to break free.

Clear example of my husband and I wanting to move to San Diego, even for just 6 months... but there are sooo many rules, who will take care of our house?do we sell the house and just travel? do we save a certain amount before we go? How will our families react? Is it wrong to stop what we've been building to follow the excitement and adventure of travel?... SEEE the RULES! But we also understand that these are our own family/society rules. Other families/people that are more independent most likely will laugh at these rules. In reality tho, my grandparents immigrated to Canada from Italy and my Husbands parents immigrated to Canada from Honduras... and they had to make it with NO money and with little kids! So where did those rules come from? Is it a Canadian thing? Our own family thing? and why are we finding it so hard to break free of what has been taught to us.

At the end of our conversation we all felt that we need to start breaking free, and I think as soon as the first one does it, then the others will feel it will be OK to follow their dreams regardless of what they are! So who's first!? My husband and I feel that we need to fix this and help our siblings take risk and live life... and thus, my blog is growing towards a dream, so we will see! ;)

Fellow Followers I will be happy to read what you think!

Happy Monday!!!


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Close to a Record

Toronto is close to beating a snow fall record from 1938! Yup, so far we had 137cm of snow this season and the record in 1938 was 207cm. I think we will beat it this year! I remember milder winters years ago but felt last years winter was the worst I ever experienced, especially with our mustang as in the pic above. Suv's are needed in Canada leave your sports cars in the garage (if you have one, we didn't!). Gladly, this year we are equipped with a SUV and have much saver drives this year without the hassle of digging out the car.

Still dreaming of San Diego days... ahhhhh....

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snowy day in TO

Not so bad only 15 cm we'll be getting today ahahah and it's only -2 which is pretty mild for our winter. Its the -20's that makes us shiver in our boots. A couple weeks ago 50 000 people were out of electricity for 24hours in -20 weather, I happened to be one of them. Burrrr was it cold! Some of our neighbors homes had their water pipes burst in their basements, yikes, Canada sounds fun huh! I'm happy that I live in Ontario tho, the other provinces like Alberta are much much colder (sorry Alberta)! Overall Toronto is an amazing city to live in, it's the best city to live in, in Canada! This I know.
Being indoors watching the snow fall is absolutely beautiful, but....... nothing like laying on sandy beach tho. I still pick the beach over the cold snow any day!... and still rather be in San Diego! ;)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


How do people sit still? Why is it that some of us can go through the day to day repetitiveness and some of us get bored real quick and strive to be different?... My husband and I are the ones that strive to be different. We want more than to just work, save, spend, take a trip and start all over again. So as I mentioned before the "considering" moving to San Diego, we decided that we want to travel 6months-a year at a time to live in different cities enjoy different weather, cultures and environments. Meet new people from all walks of life! This I find fun and NOT boring. I guess you can say it's the adventure of taking the road less travelled...If you are reading my blog today, let me know what you think, have you travelled the world, (not just taking trips we all have done those), but really living and being somewhere different, starting over somewhere new, share your stories with me, How did you overcome the social conditioning of what taught to us... let me know ;)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day 2009!!!

(pic from
Amazing! Exciting! Life Changing! Just a few words to describe what is happening today! Barack Obama becomes president of the United States of America today! I am a Canadian and I feel the power of change that Barack will make as the first African American president! Not only is the change for the USA but it truly is being felt around the whole world.
So if you are like most of us today, if you were lucky to be there live or from the comfort of your home glued to the television, we are all connected and ALL witnessing History in the making!
On my personal note, this is such an inspiring day ... my dreams of moving to San Diego are becoming more real...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ambition to Meaning Movie

Yesterday I had access to a free download on of Wayne Dyers new movie "Ambition to meaning".
I am in awww. The movie is peaceful, full of information, funny, emotional and an incredible inspiration . I highly recommend this movie to those looking for their meaning/purpose. He talks about just being and allowing the source of where we came from and who we really are in the inside take us where we need to go. He speaks about letting go of ego and truly living in peace and in truth. Now i know i had other posts below that conflict with the letting go of ego, but Wayne clears all that up. Its not about being stagnant without ego, its about following what the truth inside you wants to follow, and when you really look deep inside you can see the difference of EGO and Truth.
I will have more to write soon but for now, you should all go purchase this movie!

Monday, January 05, 2009

A New Year!

So it's the new year and we all have new goals that need to be made. Personal goals, business goals and life goals.

Last night my husband and i sat down and wrote out our new goals for 2009. Goals that consist of losing weight, making and saving more money, travel goals etc

The approach we like to take may be helpful for you. We like to listen to the Anthony Robins goal setting workshop but when we don't have time we summarize what he's taught us to the below.

1. First we write down all that we want, everything and anything, from things to spiritual to education to silly things to anything that we want to have/achieve this year!

2. Then we take the top 10 (depending on how many things you want this year) and list them out with reasons why we want them.

example : Learn to speak Italian - Why I want to learn? So that when I travel to Italy I can communicate with the locals and improve the quality of my stay by speaking my way around!

You need to have a reason that makes sense to you and a reason for wanting the thing you want will help you want and get it more!

3. Once reasons are all written out, we write beside them what we will do right now to achieve them. Example: Order "learn Italian" Cds Online.
And do what you say you will do, thats taking the first step in getting what you want!

4. Put a time line on each goal. Whether its 6 months 1 year you want to achieve it, just put a date so you can get reminded on how close or far you are from your goal.

5. Next I hang my goals where i see them everyday, beside a mirror where i get ready, a place you know you will look so you can be reminded!

Writing your goals are very important once you start your first step in achieving them the universe will help you out and give you a push tooo!