Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Last Wednesday the DVD i ordered came in. Ambition to meaning by Wayne Dyer I watched it online a couple weeks ago but so much better to watch on TV. I wrote before about the Ego and the back and forth of don't we need Ego to move forward to achieve isn't that all ego when we want more and more... Wayne Dyer explains it much better in his movie. He explains that Ego is the false self, and your authentic self is beyond ego. Meaning that if you are following what you truly want to follow then you are not following ego. Ok so how to differentiate this? Wayne says that when you are going towards something with "bad feelings" like fear, anger, doubt, envy, then most likely these are EGO driven wants. When you have that happiness inside towards something you want then its not ego, its your authentic self.

To be honest with you at this point today I kind of don't care to start analyzing whether its my ego or not wanting things, (I read numerous book on it and I guess I'm tired of analyzing) i figure I'm just going to be!.. whatever way that is. In most cases we all follow what makes us happy or feel good anyway.

What I do like about this DVD is that it reminds us to be kinder and unselfish, and there's nothing bad about that, we could use kinder people in the world today :) I know many people I think follow their Ego, but if they would stop and be kinder, gentler, non judgmental, unselfish.. then having good qualities overall make up who you are and how you live your life, with or without ego.

These are just my thoughts ;)

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