Monday, February 09, 2009

Flu is gone!!

Flu is 100% gone :)

I will hand it to lots of rest and eating well, well just eating in general heehee.

My husband and I stayed in the whole weekend resting watching movies, doing the least possible. At the peak of our flu we found ourselves getting depressed almost, I guess it was the tiredness and being sick, but we felt like life wasn't so bright. I call this the "I didn't do my homework feeling" LOL. Not sure if you remember when you were a kid and if you didn't do your homework or did something wrong you hand those anxieties in your tummy. Well that's the "i didn't do my homework" feeling we get sometimes when things look gloom. So on the weekend we found ourselves being extreeemly pessimistic, lots of feelings of not doing our homework talking about how we want or don't want things or how we need or have to do so much. We had to tell ourselves to stop thinking and just sleep instead. Then today we are feeling much much better and our thoughts are back to optimism and things are back to normal and looking brighter. Just shows that when things are out of balance in your body like sickness or fatigue, it really effects your mind and thoughts. If your body feels bad then most likely your mind feels bad too. That's why they say that exercise is great for the mind too, it gives us energy and makes us feel good creating the happy feelings for our minds :)

Now that the flu is gone, I want to get back on the health track this week. I'm following some weightloss blogs getting great ideas. So this week I want to focus on eating healthy and getting back into the grove of exercise :)

1 comment :

  1. I'm glad you're feeling better! At least you and your hubby were sick and miserable together. :)
