Sunday, July 29, 2018

Soo much has changed since my last blog post! 

We moved! Our fourth home together. The move itself went pretty smooth, um we kind of have experience now ha! We decorated and did some minor renos and enjoying the summer. The move was perfect for where our family is at this moment.

Blogging doesn’t come easy anymore. Life is so busy with the kids and I find it hard to just sit and write like I use to! Instagram has my daily posts of life. So with that being said, I think this blog will only get a few entries a year! If you don’t follow me on social media, be sure to contact me and I’ll let you know where to follow!

Yes that’s a boat! Up north living means we are close to many lakes! So now our summers got a lot mote interesting! 

Our summer has been so much fun so far and still 3 weeks left! It’s also birthday month so we celebrate many of our birthdays! Saturday We spent the day at Niagara Falls for my birthday weekend fun. Yesterday we celebrated my moms 60th birthday at the Keg Mansion. Lots of yummy food and fun with the fam. 

Baby M is turning 3 this week!!!

This little cutie is so active, sooo sweet, sooo cuddly, strong willed, funny, super cute, the list goes on! 

Baby M is 26lbs of fun! He has the best laugh and it always melts my heart when he laughs with big bro. 

He loves music and loves to dance. Current obsession with Michael Jackson and drake. 

He loves the water and can’t wait to learn to swim. 

He’s my little helper and always wants to be in the middle of everything. 

He talks in full sentences and is always asking questions! He also has an English accent which cracks us up! Ha! 

His favorite movie is Benji and he has watched it about 20x 

Baby M and Mr K are best friends and they tell each other  this many times a day! 

We love you baby M!!!! 

Sunday, June 17, 2018

I just realized that I never blogged pt 2 of the cruise! Oh boy. This year started off busy and still is! (All good busy so I’m not complaining one bit) So a lot has happened since my Mother’s Day post! But first!
Happy Father’s Day to my amazing husband!!

We love you soomuch! And yess Go Brazil!!
Today we began the day with breakfast as Denny’s! And without even telling each other, my sister and her family were doing the same thing! The kids loved having breakfast together. They are like little adults. Ordering their own meals. They had chocolate chip pancakes, bacon and Oreo milkshake! Yum! Baby M loved the sausages. And baby A loved the hash browns!

So much fun!!!
Remember I blogged that we are moving. Well that happens this week!

We spent the whole weekend packing!
We are all so excited! But also sad to be leaving the beautiful neighborhood. Saying goodbye to our school and daycare will be so tough too! :( we made amazing memories here and now to the next home to make more <3