Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Here in Canada we had a long weekend just this past weekend. It's called Family Day. A group of us went up to a friends cottage. It was a calm weekend (except for the guys, they were far from calm). On Sunday we decided to go tubing, which is sliding down these huge hills in a tube!... Boy was I chicken, a couple years ago I would have found this very fun ahah. I find the older I'm getting the more careful I am, the more hesitant, the more scared, I'm not brave at all! I ended up going down these hills twice, both times screaming for dear life, with eyes closed and heart in my mouth. I can say I do not plan on going back. A couple friends of mine were saying that they did things when they were in their early 20's and would never do those things now at all, 10 years later. So I guess I'm not alone, whew....Oh well I guess some of us change as we grow.

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