Monday, February 23, 2009

Law of Attraction

My pic above has nothing to do with what I'm talking about today LOL but we had guests over this weekend and I had some yummy cupcakes on display so just had to show them off :)

Do you believe in Law of Attraction (LOA)? Has it worked for you?

The movie and book the secret are amazing in explaining the LOA, and I have read lots of other similar books that discuss it. So I strongly believe that it works. Over the weekend I read a fellow bloggers blog about how everyone that prayed for her little girl helped and her little girl is now a healthy little bundle. When I was reading this I thought WOW, there must have been thousands of prayers and attention put to this little girl for her speedy recovery, and it worked!

It just adds to my believe of what you put attention on will come thru, whether its thoughts about yourself, or thoughts on others or anything. I have many of my own personal stories of when this worked for me, and I can even remember putting up a picture when I was in Grade 9 of a car I wanted and I got that same car years later (well my bf/husband at the time bought it) But still I feel that I attracted that. Another story I had was when we bought our first house, my husband and I wrote out exactly what we wanted, a investment property that we can make into apartments, near a local park, near shops, on a specific street and for a certain price we wanted it for... and guess what ALL the things we wrote down we got! (I should have also wrote down, move in ready" lol because the house needed majorrr work, but that's another story.

So now that I'm feeling extra positive today I'm going to take a look at my current goals and really start focusing on them and attracting them into my life!

Do you have any LOA stories?

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