Saturday, April 03, 2010

Good Friday with Family with a twist!

Yesterday we went to visit the inlaws for a fish dinner YUM! Pic above - I upgraded my outfit above with a pin bow on my sweater :)

When we got there my father in law made pina colada's for us, they were delicious! (brother in law in the back round ahah!)

The family ;)

The food - Small portions for me :) (although so far this weekend I have had a taste of many many sweets!)

After dinner my sister her bf and brother inlaws all got together and went to a local restaurant to hang out...

These are the brothers :)

Fun day right! .... Up until this point.

While at this restaurant we witnessed many strange things, the most disturbing of all an intoxicated mother with her 7 year old son. The lady was making out with her BF while the little boy cried and tugged at her. The owner went to talk to them a couple of times. After about 10 mins of seeing this, I couldn't take it! I got up and asked the owner if he called the police, because I was going to! This was child abuse/neglect/ I don't know what, but just wrong and NOT OK! While talking to the owner someone did call the police. They came and talked to the mother who was falling over and obviously incapable of caring for her son. The police took them away. It was so sad to watch.

I know it's hard to make the decision sometimes when witnessing something like this that involves children. I hesitated for 10 minutes, but what if they left, what if the child was then hurt, I could not live with myself. I'm glad someone else didn't hesitate at all. AND I will not ever again!

BUT the night was not OVER! 1am driving home, there were a lot of police all around, many strange looking ppl too, AND a black cat ran across the street in front of us. EE scary! Even lightning that turned off the lights on the HWY!

Still not over.

We walked in our door at 2am, my phone rang and it was my sister. My grandfather had called saying that my grandmother couldn't move or SPEAK! We ran back out the house to my grandparents house to meet my mother and sister there. They had called 911. When I got there, immediately I thought it was a stroke, Grandma was on the couch mumbling moving her eyes but could not lift her right arm or leg. I did my best to be positive and just felt deep inside that all was going to be ok... It was! She is on new meds for diabetes and her sugar went so low it was at 2.1. The paramedics told us to make her a meal and they also gave her insulin. I ran to the kitchen and put together a quick meal. I had to feed her, she was not too happy ahahh! She ate bread, potatoes strawberries and orange juice. She felt much better after all this and was OK!. WHEW what a scare!!! ... On a good note the Paramedics were very good looking ahahah! :)

We got home exhausted at 5am.... So glad it's the long weekend :)

I have more to blog tomorrow!

Hope you are all having a good weekend. :)


  1. Okay so your outfit is too cute!! I love it!!

  2. That was one crazy night Lady! I'm happy your grandma is okay.

  3. Yes, I love your outfit!! So glad that your grandmother is OK. Happy Easter! Enjoy your long weekend.

  4. so glad your grandma's ok, that must have been pretty scary!
    that is such a cute outfit! and you look skinny!! all the smaller portions must be working for you!

  5. What an interesting story, so much happening over Easter.
    But all went well, after all.

    Random fact: I like your tweets (also those concerning this incident).

    Greetings from Germany.
