Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lactation nurse, weight loss and more

Thursday ramblings ...

Tuesday we went to a lactation nurse for help with breast- feeding. She gave me great tips. She told me what to look for when baby is sucking. Example 1-3 sucks and a swallow is a good sign. 4 or more sucks means he is working a little too hard and time to switch to the other. She also told me to pump in between feedings so if baby needs a top up, I use breast-milk. I was doing really well and was soo happy. But last night baby K wasn't latching. It was like he kept sliding off. So I pumped and I also gave 3oz of formula. This morning is better so fingers crossed! Breast-feeding is sooo challenging!

K also had a bad tummy ache. He was crying a lot! :( must have been something I ate that hurt his tummy.

I massaged his belly and did leg exercises. Today he seems better.

Baby K is almost 2 weeks old! Time is going by sooo fast!!
Can you see that grey mark in the crease of his foot... It's called a Mongolian spot. Neat huh! Very common in East Asians and Native Americans. I'm Italian background and husband was born in Honduras.

Christmas is around the corner and I think I will start decorating! Baby K's stocking has been ordered! 

 zoe is not impressed by baby K, he cries and I hold him and she just stares and me all day long lol

Weight-loss - So far I dropped 15lbs whoohoo but I need 40 to go to get to my goal weight. I'm not diving into any weight-loss program just yet, all my focus is on my little newborn.  In a couple months I will. :)


  1. 15 lbs! Outstanding! Zoe's face cracks me up. I'm sure they will soon be best friends...or great enemies :)

  2. that's good that you're focusing on the baby right now, there's no rush. but man, 15 lbs is a great head start!! you're such a great mommy, poor zoe looks a tad jealous! :)
