Monday, November 14, 2011

Sterilizing bottles-what do you do?

Today baby K had his 2 week check up. He is up in weight and his doctor was happy! He is now 7lbs 13oz ;) my big boy! Our doctor really wants us to breastfeed only, which we are trying. We are doing well but we top up with formula a couple times a day. I'm pumping between Feedings when I can to use that as the top up as much as possible. Either way it's working for us so far and doctor was glad we found what works best for us ;)

Before I gave birth I was always concerned about sterilizing bottles. I heard many different things from different people. So last week I asked his doctor If I should boil the bottles and nipples etc. He said I could if I want.... But didn't elaborate. So today I asked again ;) he said soap and water is just fine and boiling is not necessary. Which sounds great to me! I've been making bottle soup for 2 weeks now haha! He also told me to watch the documentary "babies". My SIL told me about this movie a couple weeks ago. So I'm eager to watch it.

How do you wash bottles? For my pump I have the microwave steam bags which I love.

After his appointment we went to buy some clothes and went to best buy to pick up pictures.

Baby K was soo good and just slept the whole time yay!

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