Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Work and daycare after maternity leave

We are counting down these days! 2 weeks until daycare!!! I had the extra month home with my little one but the feelings are exactly the same as they were before!

Again, I know how lucky we are here in Canada to even get that 1 year maternity leave! And I was lucky enough to be able to take some extra time on top of that. But why to I feel like its not enough! He won't be a baby forever! I guess I don't want to miss a thing!

When they talk about separation anxiety in babies, I think they should be talking about moms... Moms like me. Ha!

I love spending my days with my little guy. He is learning and growing soo fast!

He follows some simple commands these days and it's amazing to watch.

He will sip his water when I tell him to drink his water. He will tickle himself when I tell him to tickle tickle. He combs his hair. Points the remote to change the channel. He will feed you when you ask for some. He says BA while waving bye. These are just some of those adorable things he does. It's cute!!!

Baby K will love daycare too, that I know. He loves being around people and he is so social. The extra month I had off with him got him daytime weaned so in that department we are good too.

I know we will adjust. Many of you have gone through the same thing. Many have given me some tips and remind me that I will get a new routine going that will work. The anxiety of the approaching change is just overwhelming!

And if you haven't noticed from reading my blog, I have some issues when dealing with change. Which is now even harder.

With a child my decisions don't just involve me! When I think about work I think about when to start my work day and finish making it the best scenario for my baby. I don't want to work so far away from his daycare either! These things never mattered before but are now the kind of things that I think about!

Sigh, I may have many bloggy meltdowns be prepared friends haha ;)


  1. aww, i can't imagine how it must feel to have to leave him at daycare and go back to work. i'm sure he will adjust to it, hopefully you will too. stupid jobs!! ;)

  2. Wishing you the best this week! Hope the first day back to work goes by really fast :)

  3. I can't get over how much older he looks this month. He's getting tall too! you'll both be fine.
