Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Stroller fitness

Now that the weather is nicer I decided to join a stroller fitness class in a nearby park. 

Last week was the first class. Boy was I in pain for a couple of days!

Cardio, strength training and Pilates combined. 

The workout is amazing! Last week was pretty tough. So I'm afraid for this weeks class ha! The park is beautiful though. A really nice trail and a lot of hills, right by a little river.

I currently have my trunk packed with strollers. Regular stroller and my jogging stroller. 

Now to get my diet right! I am not doing anything extreme. I'm making small changes in my diet. Like no white breads, snacking on healthy foods like fruits and veggies. But with summer and tons of events with delicious foods, I need to practice portion control more than anything. 

My first weightless goal, is to drop 20! 

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