Showing posts with label 2yearsold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2yearsold. Show all posts

Monday, June 02, 2014

5 months to 3!

Mr 2 years old and 7 months HUH… 3 in just 5 months huh huh! Can time PLEASE SLOW DOWN!


When I look up different toddler personalities, little K does not fall into the Shy kid, or EASY child category. He is a good kid and a normal 2 year old that can switch to very sweet and calm to wild and screaming for his way or the high way hahah. I remember hearing moms say toddlers are kookoo people, going from happy, excited to screaming and crying in a matter of a second. Oh yes they are emotional that’s forsure haha.


Reading up on little K’s personality I would say that he is a combination and I also do not like to label any child any one way anyway! They are growing learning and developing so a constant change I believe is the best thing to see!


Little K is definitely, strong willed and sensitive. He loves to make his own choices and lets you know loud and clear if he does not like what you just did. Ha! His disapproving face is so funny to see. He is this little person with such a strong personality and sense of self. He knows what he wants and YOU will know what he doesn’t want. Ha!


We have many good days and of course with a toddler many challenging days, working through tantrums and bargaining and helping our little toddler through his emotions when he’s upset. Which can be really difficult for us parents especially when we too are tired! We are learning too! As I read up on handling tantrums I see, Patience patience!

Little K is loving the summer. He is one active boy! He loves the park and loves being outdoors. He loves car rides with us and loves pointing out and calling out everything he sees to make sure we seen it too. “Mama look! A motorcycle” and if we don’t answer it gets louder “ HELLOOO MAMA! LOOK MOTORCYCLE” Funny kid.


Things little K loves at 2.7 years old…

Airplanes and Helicopters are still at the top of the list of favorites! Airplane/Helicopter Toys, movies, videos, ipad apps! Loves them!

Cars, motorcycles and bikes.

Night time story time

Dancing to music

Playing with his cousins and friends

Telling stories of things he did and likes.

New favorite, DINOSOURS!

Favorite foods.. STILL Fruits and Veggies. New fav fruit, cherry tomatoes.

Favorite sport… Soccer!

Little man can count to 15 and say his full ABC’s! He loves to sing songs and loves when I sing him a song before bed.

He loves hugs and kisses and loves being the center of mommy and daddy’s lives :) 


Love My BOY!!!!!