Showing posts with label babym. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babym. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Soccer season and spring fun!

Finding the time to blog has been tough! But With 2 busy kiddos I'm usually exhausted by the end of the night!

Here I am tonight at midnight blogging!

Well I haven't blogged for a couple of weeks so I'll babble on about a few things! Ha!

Firstly! Soccer! Mr M is the coach haha! Yup I volunteered us! 

Soccer started on the pretty cold front, but warmer weather has finally arrived! 
I guess you can call me assistant coach. I set up the parent snack schedule and took attendance today haha. I try and help but baby M keeps me pretty busy.

Look how big my baby notsobaby is! 
He's learning new words everyday and he's soo independent! He's super sweet and cuddly, and always in a happy mood!  

This past weekend Mr M went to Formula  1 in Montreal 

It was me and the littles all weekend. So we traveled around visiting family. 
First stop my grandparents house. My grandfather was working on his garden. Little K is fascinated with it and can't wait to eat those veggies! 
Then we went to my brothers home for a BBQ. The kids were learning to chop wood haha! 

And me made s'mores! 


As we drove around the city and made it back home late Friday and Saturday night, all so smoothly- it just hit me that the boys are now in a different stage. A big boy stage. They didn't give me a hard time at all. Everything was so smooth all weekend. Eating, sleeping, mostly behaving. Haha life moves so fast and in a blink of an eye we moved to this new stage.
Love these boys so soooo much!!!

More exciting things to come the next couple of weeks! And our Nickelodeon trip! Can't wait to share that with you too! 

Have a great week friends! 







Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Piano Recital 2017

Little K isn't quite ready for a piano recital, but when he is, this mama will be tearing up! 

His piano instructor had a recital for all his more advance students. 

It was held at the University of Toronto.
This was our first of many piano recitals to come! 

The recital was beautiful. All very talented children. Some were so young and so talented they made me tear up! 

One day Little K will be up there! 

And baby M too because I couldn't keep him away from that piano! 

We had a fun afternoon. See all the pics below! After the recital we walked around the campus. 


And of course we went for a yummy sushi dinner afterwards! 







Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Victoria Day long weekend!

We began our weekend with soccer! The start of soccer season! 

Little k's soccer club teamed up with TFC to have a soccer kick off for the kids.

Little K had a blast! 

There was music and a free TFC gift bag. A fun soccer evening for the kids. Perfect way to start the season! 

 Saturday we had a shopping date
And stopped over at one of our favorite bakeries. Yum! 

Some yummy pineapple buns and bubble tea! 

We had a visitor that evening! We babysat my niece and the kids had a blast playing in the backyard and having a movie night with lots of snacks! 

So much fun! 


This little cutie calls me Anna, which we all find so funny haha. 

Not even 2 yet and he's so independent and let's you know exactly what he wants. He's so funny and cuddly and talking so much more these days. 

I posted this picture on instagram the other day. A lot of moms were posting pregnant pictures and their newborns . 

Ahh these cuties! 

The rest of the weekend we relaxed, had BBQ, went for walks, watched fireworks, watched movies and had fun! 

We are excited for the nice weather and all the summer fun! 







Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Second round of eartubes

Baby M has suffered from so many painful ear infections and so many rounds of antibiotics since he was 5 months old. 

Last week this little cutie had his second round of ear tubes put in. 

We had to be at the hospital at 6am!

This little man was soo brave! 

The hospital was great. They had some toys to keep the kids entertained. Baby M rode right into the operating room

And big brother was right by his side for support.

The surgery was quick! They drained a lot of fluid from the middle ear and placed the tubes 

These should last about a year.

 He was saying more words the same day :) 

We were so happy to have him feeling so much better and hearing clearer! 

Big brother wanted to be by his side when he woke up.

They got a little treat too. 

Love these little guys soo much! The day went smooth and we all went home afterwards for a nap! 




Sunday, May 07, 2017

weekend fun!

Today we headed out to Canada's wonderland! 

The kids love the wagon. It was a little chilly so it was perfect all cozy in there. 

The boys love the dinosaur walk. So of course that was the first place we headed to when we got there!

 We went on a bunch of ride. Baby M isn't afraid at all! And totally loved it! 

 We did a lot of walking! Which is great to now add this to our summer fun! 

Saturday was a rainy cold day so we went to swimming lessons then over to my grandparents house.


I don't know why I haven't figured out how to put videos on my blog :/ but Mr. K performed a piano song he learned with his teacher for us today. He was so cute. He knew it was a performance and wanted to wear his power ranger costume to perform. Ha! He cracks me up. 


The beginning of the school year I volunteered to make playdoh every couple of months. Tomorrow is the last for the school year! I totally perfected making playdoh. I use my kitchen aid mixer. 

2 cups of flour 
2 tbsp cream of tarter 
1/2 cup salt
2 tbsp of oil 
1 cup of boiling water with the food coloring in it. 
Mix it all up!

No filter! I used the neon food coloring!

I can't believe we are in the second week of May!!! I started getting organized for  our trip in June! Making sure we have summer clothes that fit! Haha. That goes for me too! 

Have a great Monday friends, I'm exhausted and need to get some zzzz's