Tuesday, April 07, 2009

April Snow!

Snow in April! What happened to spring!!! I took this pic this morning and all day its been cold and snowy!

On the weekend my husband and I drove to Connecticut to visit a friend in New Haven. 10 hour drive! We had a good time ;)

Road trips are not good when trying to watch weight. I ate just about every fast food food in side! So starting yesterday I need to get back on track! We have 1 month till the weight loss challenge is over and I have not lost any weight!

Today I decided to make cabbage soup. Loaded with veggies I made enough to last me all week. After the weekend of eating bad food I need to replenish with veggies ;)

I made my cabbage soup in the crockpot.
  • 1 organic green cabbage
  • 2 zucchinis
  • 1 Can of red kidney beans
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Mrs Dash salt free seasoning
  • Hot sauce for some spike
  • 12 ounces V-8 Vegetable Juice
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 package French Onion Soup
  • 1/2 cup finely sliced carrots
Combine all in crockpot High 4 hours or Low 8 hours
The good thing with this soup you can add any veggies you like, celery is good in here as well I just forgot to buy it, and you can add whatever seasonings you like.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


The past couple of weeks have just been sooo heckteck! Selling our home happened wayyy to fast, I guess that is a good thing, especially in today's market.

So all is good now and house sold for a price we were happy with. Now the next step, getting approved for a slightly higher mortgage. This gives me uneasy feelings and we are still waiting for the banks call. I am really really bad with stress. I feel like my chest is closing in on me at times with anxiety! whaaa!

I'm trying to be positive and using the "secret" styles lol, repeating that I already have the new house etc I hope this works!!! Cross your fingers for me!

So on the weekend we did go out on a house hunt. Many homes are overpriced! But we did see a few that we liked. The funny thing is, we are looking for many of the same qualities that our current home has (without the age heehee, our current home is 100 years old!) we like open areas like parks near by, currently we face a park and we love it especially in the summer. I love lots of windows and naural light, (i neeed the earths energy daily!) I guess you can say we love nature but we also love city, so lets see if we can combine the two in our next home here in Toronto.

4 years ago we moved into our current home from our parents house so all we had when we moved in where luggages of clothes, now on this next move we have a house full of furniture! and tons of mail coming in lol. If you have any tips for a stress free move, I'll be glad to hear em!

Have a great day and hope no one got fooled badly today! Happy April Fools day!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Oh how I wish some days I could just be as relaxed as Zoe, lounging around so care free.

Last couple weeks I've been a little stressed out selling the house, renovating, relationship issues, financial issues ugh! and it is not helping add anything good to my weightloss challenge. 1 month to go and so far zero lbs lost. I am an emotional eater which is just horrible and I don't even know how to control it. When the gitters are here I rush for the chocolate the cookies the anything sweeet. Which is not good as the sugar can add to those gitters! I'm feeling really sluggish too and just need to snap out of this. So I'm tying to use some techniques Ive heard of before. (trying)

Deep breathes; breathe in, hold for 5 secs and release do this 5 times when getting those gittery feelings.
Laugh: really hard to stay focused on the bad stuff when smiling and laughing
Affirmations: repeat good stuff to myself every chance I get!

What are some of your ways of dealing with stress, let me know, I could use all the help I neeed! ;)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Book

The UltraMind Solution how to fix your broken brain... This book has information on how to get rid of so called diseases of the mind such as depression, ADD, compulsive disorder, bipolar etc etc by changing our food intake and possible environmental toxins. I just started reading it and so far so good but I am still at the beginning where it is just discussing examples of medications not being able to cure what they are said to be curing. Covering the problem not curing it. Did you know that "antidepressent" type drugs are top 2 of the most prescribed meds! Wow This book states that with taking care of your body and brain you can get Brain healthy without use of these drugs.

I'm not one to drastically change my ways like eat nothing but organic foods, I just wouldn't know what to do or where to start... But I can make some changes and choose some foods that are better than others with the proper guidance. I'm hoping this book will help with that, finding "Brain foods" etc. So far I read that Omega 3 is definitely needed for Brain health. So I'll write that down on my list. It also says refined Sugars are the worst for Brain health. Ok I know we allll know this, but really how can you totally get away from all sugar, I just dont see this ever happening, ever!... I will continue to read and maybe this book will offer much more to the insight of Brain health along with many nutritous changes we can all adapt to easily.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring is almost here!

SPRING! Weather is much much nicer these days. Today we are up to 10 degrees C, doesn't sound that warm I know, but oh it is the warmest since a long cold -30 winter!... Feeling the warm air and the sun shining just brings smiles on peoples faces. Many people are out and enjoying the warm day walking and playing in the park. This week is march break and I live in front of the park ;) lots of people out and about! Spring officially starts on Friday but its giving us a taste of whats to come ;)

Beautiful Monday and Beautiful start to the week! Hope you all have a great week!

FYI McDonalds big mac is 220 less calories than a BK whopper w/cheese. I just found that out. Luckily for me tho I'm off fast food as of today so this wont matter to me ;)

Friday, March 13, 2009

My Kitty ;)

I believe she was the culprit for the missing fishies...
She just needs to watch the water run, but kinda like a creeper watching when I'm taking a shower, need to close the door to keep her out LOL

This my kitty Zoe. She's a ragdoll cat and has the most amazing personality. She is very active and loves being around us. Her goofy personality always make me laugh and always makes me smile. She's very talkative as well and lets you know when she wants attention or of she is not too happy about something. (like the reno's we are currently doing, she does not like a messy house and meows at night letting us know that lol)

The best thing about Zoe is that she loves attention and loves to be pet and held. Walking in the door being greeted by Zoe waiting for a belly rub is the best and always sends positive energy in the air. What's better than that when having a crumby day.

Today I'm here just sitting on the computer and being around the unconditional love being sent from Zoe is what I like best :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Abusive Relationships

Thursday on Oprah they were talking about the Rihanna and Chris situation. Physical and emotional abuse.

They were discussing the damage physical abuse is on women, scaring their self-esteem and self worth making them feel that this is what they deserve and the reason why women in these situations stay in the abusive relationships and do not get out.

Emotional abuse is just as bad...I feel that Psychical and emotional abuse are equal in the damage it causes. Both destroy your self esteem and self worth and scar you forever.

We all can see the scars of Physical abuse, as its obvious, Rihanna pics prove that. But what about emotional abuse. So many women we meet and know may have these scars on the inside. Emotional abuse scars you on the inside effecting how you live your live and the choices you make and the fake smile on your face. Feeling unworthy, not good enough. It targets your mind and sends wrong messages too who you are and what you are worth. Tyra Banks was discussing how she was in an emotional abusive relationship when she was a model at the top of her game and although she was famous she felt horrible about herself and had low self esteem. How do you know you are being emotionally abused? Other than the obvious behaviors of possessiveness, jealousy and controlling behaviors, other behaviors may not be that obvious. It can begin on other levels. Criticism about who you are, what you look like, what you do and what you've done. Blows to your self esteem, making you feel like anything and everything you do is never good enough. Saying mean and hurtful things to you to make you feel vulnerable and low. Some of these behaviours can sneak up on you, they may have been there all along then you realize only once you start noticing that you do not know who you are anymore... I think this topic is so important for us women to understand. In fact men and women, children together, we should never allow someone else to judge, criticize, hurt, put down our self esteem. No one has the right to do this to another human being...

Monday, March 09, 2009

Portion Control

Weekend is over, didn't mind as my weekend was not thaaat exciting. I ate wayy too much fast food (Pizza, Burger King McDonald BF and Taco bell! and was not thinking about my weight loss challenge, obviously!. So today begins a new week! Today I did really well, I also focused on portion control. I made sure to put a little bit of food on my plate but spread it around nice so it doesn't look empty lol. It worked well for me today so i think i can continue this. I'm also drinking my green tea after every meal, i really think this also is helping me digest my food nicely.

Recently I have been having an issue with Breakfast... I don't wake up hungry (odd cause I use to always) But I'm finding it hard to eat to begin my day. A couple times I just had a banana, other times I just drank my tea. I know BF is the most important meal for the day so should I just stick to eating at least the banana or should I force myself to eat more at BF, or just not eat at all if im not hungry (I think i should really take advantage of those moments LOL) hmm I'll read up on this and see what I find...

Friday, March 06, 2009

Friday! Whoohoo!

Happy Friday everyone. It's a beautiful day here in Toronto, temp going up to 16 C whohoo, spring is arriving. I'm craving this sunshine and warmth so bad, the winter gives me the blues!

We decided to spend this weekend spring cleaning... throw away all junk in the house, clean the windows outdoors, touch up some paint on the walls. Remember having a clean un cluttered home helps you have a uncluttered mind ;) lol I always feel more positive and higher energy when my house is spotless. So I'm looking forward to the weekend.

I'll try and get to the clothes as well and pack up stuff to send to the good will.

We are 1 week into the weight loss challenge and haven't lost any weight. I only worked out once this week (not good!) I ate pretty healthy, minus the apple pie I had ;) I'll kick this into higher gear this week.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The $300 weight loss challenge!

(pic from google, but mine did look just like that ;)

Yesterday our weight loss challenge begun!
I'm excited! We have rules that we all need to lose over 10lbs to qualify as a winner so I think that is a great motivation factor as well. Tonight I will hit the gym for an hour and burn all the bad cals i took in over the weekend.

Yesterday I think i did ok.
BF; WW English muffin with cream cheese, Green tea
SNK: Banana
LNC: macaroni salad, a bit of coleslaw and a hand full of taters (ok this wasn't the greatest lunch lol)
SNK: 4 melba toast with 4 pcs of cheddar cheese
DN: 1 stuffed pepper made with lean ground beef. With a spinach Cesar salad with cucumbers and olives.
SNK: 1 Orange
Extra snack: 2 spoons of vanilla ice cream (i was craving sweet by the end of the day heehee)

So far today will be better, I just know it!