Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Weekend in NYC

We took a long drive to NYC this weekend. 

On our way there Saturday we hit a snow storm. It was dark and only 2 hours left on our drive to get to NYC but it was too dangerous so we had to stop at a hotel by the hwy. 

We just had an evening in at the hotel. Having dinner, walking around and renting movies. 

We woke up early Sunday and continued our drive! The roads were plowed and we were on our way! 

Little K was such a good little traveler. He loved sitting cozy with his blankets and toys and iPad ha! Both ways he slept about 3 hours of the trip which was great too. 

NYC with a toddler was a little hectic. Fun but having him in his stroller walking around wasn't too much fun for him. And many restaurants in NYC did not want the stroller inside. Not much space for it. Overall little K was great, just had a few outbursts when he was over tired or bored. His new thing is screaming MINE on the top of his lungs. When anyone came near him or touched his toy or wanted to see what he was watching on the iPad he yelled NOO! MINE! in their face :/ 

Everyone still loved him tho haha he got free food everywhere we went ha! Free dinner, free cookies, free fruits. 

We walked soo much for 2 days! My legs are still so sore! 

We went to Rockefeller Center, Times Square, Empire State Building, shopping on 5th ave,  Manhatten, we also took a scenic ferry. 

Just a few pics from the tons of pics we took. 
Haha Macy's window. Little boy looks like Krisrian. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Here and there

I haven't blogged for a couple weeks! We have been so busy! A lot going on here. 

A couple new things... I'm going back to work full-time in the new year! 
We are going to New York soon for a weekend trip! 
Anddddddd we are considering moving in the next year or so! 

2014 will definitely be the year of change. A new outlook on my life. Leaving the negative behind me and bringing in more positive. 

I've also been doing a lot of meditation and really focusing on personal and spiritual growth. 

I believe now more than ever that God has a plan for all of us. We need to be open and allow him to show us that path. In the middle of all the bad there's good waiting. Something better. Even when it's hard to see how that could be possible. 

Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plan I have for you, declares The Lord. Plans to prosper you, and not to hard you. Plans to give you hope and a future. 

Little K is growing so fast and seriously a 2 year old going on 4. He is so independent, sweet, loving, persistent ha!  No mean no with him these days. 

His vocabulary is exploding and when he says new things I even shed a tear because it's all so amazing to me watching him learn. 

Christmas is around the corner and I still have a long list of gifts to get! I better get shopping! 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Christmas tree shopping.

This year I decided to look for a tree farm to get our Christmas tree. We drove about 40 mins north. The drive was so nice. The roads and trees were all covered in snow. 
It was our first time, so we didn't know what to expect... We weren't prepared at all. Ha! I was in heels and the husband and Kristian in running shoes, no snow pants either. It was freezing too!

They had tractor rides, face painting, hot chocolate, fire pit and Santa too!

We saw Santa, but little K wasn't thrilled to see him haha
Haha love this picture. 

We had a fun morning and came home with a 8foot tree! 

We had to leave it to settle for a day so hopefully we get to decorate tonight! 

I started some house decorations today.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Santa Claus is coming to town

The Santa Clause parade was this past weekend! 

Kristian was amazed at all the floats and marching bands. Yelling out wow!!! As they passed sears threw him teddy bears and they kept throwing them at him haha, he had about 5! We shared with the other kids around. 

We had a great time. My little niece grabbed a lot of attention begging for hugs and high fives from all the characters passing by. Haha

After the parade we went for a sushi lunch! Little k loves cucumber rolls. 

Christmas is coming quick! Tonight I'll gather all the Christmas decor and slowly start decorating the house. 

Our Elf on the shelf is ready to come out too! 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Fun at the aquarium!

Saturday we went to Ripley's Aquarium! 

The line was long! Good thing it wasn't too cold and we had fun as we waited to get in. 

Kristian kept yelling fishes fishes!!! And, oh wow! Wow!!! He just cracks us up! 

We had so much fun at the aquarium and ended the day with a late lunch downtown. Although little K was pooped from all the amazing new things he just saw! So he slept through lunch. 

Monday, November 04, 2013

Elmo birthday party

This weekend was little K's Elmo party! 

Loot bags filled with a snack bowl, coloring book, Mabel's personalized labels! Crayons and gold fish! 

It was my first time making cupcake cones and they were a big hit with little K!
My sister made the other Elmo cupcakes! 

We had lots of food and sweets! 

Kristian loved that Elmo and his friends  all celebrating with him! 

Kristian received so many amazing gifts! He loved every single one of them and has been playing with all his new toys all day today! He has the best family and friends! 

Then once the kids were in bed, the party continued with the adults till 2am ha!