Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sunny days and New stuff!

This week was just beautiful! We never had a March like this! I was sporting a tube top getting some sun.

Today baby and I spent most the day out shopping and out for a walk in the neighborhood.

Even though the weather has been awesome, yesterday I was feeling a little down. I think it's the sleepless nights cathching up to me. I just haven't been feeling myself. I usually sleep when the baby sleeps at night. But the past 2 weeks, I just can't get to sleep. It's so frustrating and it's making me feel crabby and foggy. My body is really feeling it too, my back, knees,ankles and wrists. Boo!

Today I decided to try and feel better with a little shopping. :) and with Mr snuggles being so cute everyday, it always makes me feel better.

 He was just playing and playing while I took my time browsing around.
Some outfits for baby K
Summer dress

colorful flats

Polka-dot sandals

Sunglasses, how cute!

Today we used the seat part of the stroller which is great because the canopy is much larger and blocks most the sun.... Well, the real reason we used it was because baby K had a blowout... poop all over his carseat, I had to clean it and let it dry, so we still went out for our walk with the other part of the stroller :). I'm having big issues with diapers these days. I went up a size to see if it would help... but nope still happens :/ 

This evening I went down to visit my mom and sister to discuss my sisters wedding next week... NEXT week!! We talked about or hair and makeup and decorating the house. We are all sooo excited.

Today baby K got a gift from his grandma. This gold bracelet with his initials KLM :)

Baby is sleeping, so I'm going to try and sleep too. Wish me luck!


  1. The weather had been so beautiful!! And oh my goodness I love that dress...mind telling us where you found it!
