Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Baby smiles make my day

This morning I woke up feeling a little down. Questioning how I do everything with my baby boy. It was a "oh no! Am I doing things right!?" I started wondering if I'm under feeding or over feeding Baby K, should I be on more of schedule, should I play with him more or have more toys. When should I wean him from breast feeding, how long will it take me, when I give him milk should it be in a bottle or a sippy cup, should I offer him the pacifier only at night and not at all during the day. Do I hold him enough or maybe no enough... A million things in my head doubting myself, doubting everything I'm doing or want to do. What's right? what's wrong?

Then I look at my boy and he is smiling and happy and healthy and I know I'm doing something right. I'm doing what works for our family and that is right for us . I know some might find it weird that these things may stress a mom out, but they do. I want to make the best decisions for my baby boy, and I know I will make a lot of mistakes as a mom. But it's our job to think of what's best for our little ones and at times it can freak us out.

But a smiling baby is definitely reassurance that I'm on the right track.


  1. You are doing great hun, seriously! we are still learning and the learning process will never end, as a first time mom, we will keep making mistakes but then learn from them!

  2. just the fact that you're worried about all this stuff shows you're a great mom! and he definitely looks content, he has some big smiles for you to reassure you!
