Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Babys first Christmas

Time is just flying by! I've been so busy with my little baby and Christmas is sneaking up so fast! I feel like i really dont have time for anything! Today I wanted to send out the announcement cards I made to family and friends. Let me tell you, it was challenging just going to the mail box. Baby K is going through a growth spurt and he is nursing so so often during certain periods of the day. I was concerned at first but twitter moms reassured me it was ok, and I spoke with my lactation nurse that confirmed it as well. So this made me feel much better.

I was able to go to the drug store this afternoon really quickly. I saw this cute christmas ornament! Hopefully we find time to put up a tree this year! I haven't had a chance to decorate at all yet. Because my little man just loves being in my arms.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

So glad to be off this week!

I'm off this week! And I love it! I love not working (minus the whole not getting paid thing haha!) But If I could work from home I totally would! So I have some BIG side biz goals for the new year!

I just love the holidays, we've been visiting family and friends and having a great time catching up with every one.

The last 10 years I've had a lot of different jobs and from every single job I have friends I still keep in contact with, even if it's only a couple times a year we see each other we have blogs and facebook and email these days so we are always in contact with each other. :) Tonight I met with one of those friends for a coffee, it was so nice to catch up.

Zoe loves when we are home. I love how this little fur ball loves our attention and always wants to be around us. When husband and I are sitting on the couch she's always between us. And she follows me everywhere! The minute I get up she following me. Wherever I go sit, she's beside me.
(I was yelling at her to get off the table, so she went on the chair)
Hope you all are enjoying your holidays!!! Hoping to do a VLOG (video giveaway) soon! I'm a little nervous about it though! :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas Friends!

Christmas is over :( but we had a great time!
It was really busy with our very large families. The schedule:... Christmas Eve - 6pm-10pm we went to my mom's side, siblings,grandparents, aunts and cousins! A lot of fun and laughter! Our family is growing so much with new marriages and babies!

Then from 10-3am we went to my husbands side to celebrate Christmas eve. His little cousins loved the gifts we got them. :)
Like I mentioned before I have a lot of family so Christmas day we went to my dad's side for a Christmas lunch, hosted by one of my cousins. It was so nice to see all the family this holiday!

And of course there was NO counting calories at Christmas. It was a lot of eating delicious food and VERY delicious desserts!!!!

All pics taken with my new iphone 4 :)

Hope you all had a Great Christmas!!!!

PS. I'm thinking of posting my first VLOG this week! If I get the courage to do it I will hahhaha!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Busy Week Giving and Helping.

What a busy week! I didn't blog much last week because I've been hardly home! Thursday night my sister, mom and I were babysitting my nieces. It was so much fun. We baked while listening to Christmas music and then watched movies!
Baby M is sooooo adorable!!! It was so cute having my mom showing my sister and I how to feed her and how to change her diaper and clothes haha! (putting clothes on a baby is hard!)
The best part was that I actually got her to sleep in my arms. I loved it. I can't wait to start a family of my own! I know God has a plan so I'm not going to worry too much about it, but I really can say I can't wait to be a mom! (Although from what mommies say, my babysitting experience was good because baby went home and I got a full nights sleep :) lol
That night we also took my other niece A with us to deliver our baskets for the family we sponsored to the church. She was so happy to help us and loves hanging out with her aunts. :)

Our church also needed lots of help with delivering these gifts today. So we woke up early, grabbed our coffees and headed to church this morning.
I'm so happy we had my husband and my sister's fiance with us to help with the heavy boxes. They got right into it and were so quick and organized. Our delivery crew rocked!
We were able to do 7 deliveries in 2 hours and the organizer named us her #1 santa's little helpers! ahah!

The families were so grateful and happy to see us. It was such an amazing feeling.

Hope you all are having a great weekend! I'm finishing up my Christmas shopping for the rest of the weekend!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Weekend Fun!

This weekend was so fun. Friday night my family and bff came over for a little get together. We bought sooo much food! and Wine! We had all different types of foods Colombian, Mexican, Portuguese, Italian.. and wayyy too many desserts!
Bff is pregnant and my SIL was over with the kids. So we had a lot of baby talk! She was giving us all lots of pointers. She is also very pro breast feeding so she was educating us all. We had some funny stories which may have scared the younger cousins just a little ahahah!
I can't get enough of my little niece! She is just so so cute!
Saturday night the MIL turned 50! So they had a little party. We stayed at their house until 3am!
We slept in today which was totally needed and went to Lowes this afternoon for our Christmas tree! I love Lowes! they cut the bottom of the tree for us so all we had to do is put it in the stand when we got home! So easy! It smells great!
Fingers crossed Zoe stays away from it....
As for my weekly goals... lets just say another weekend of not following my goals has happened again! All in the name of fun!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Holiday decorating!!

We are almost done with our holiday decorating!

All we need is our Christmas tree!

Yesterday we put up all the lights outdoors. My Husband did a great job! (let me add that yesterday was sooo cold here too!)

I love love the Christmas Holiday's!! And love to give back. Every year my sister and I sponsor a family at our church, we are so excited to give back and make a family happy with wonderful gifts.

I received a gift yesterday from my cousin, she is so sweet and saw this inspirational rock and thought of me. This quote and the serenity prayer helped me a lot when I had my Miscarriage.
Jeremiah 29:11 " I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring out the future you hope for" I trust God :)

I'll be carrying it around in my purse!

Hope your holiday plans are coming together!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Events!

Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope everyone had a fun loving holiday!

Christmas this year was great! Lots of Family, Lots of love and lots of food!
(no weigh in this weekend that is for sure)

I have a large family and it is hard to see everyone during the holidays. We have lots of family on my moms side and lots of family on my dad's side. I also have my in laws as well so that makes 3 sides and only 2 days. Unfortunately I did not get to see my fathers side of the family this year and it makes me sad that since my father passed away 7 years ago we have not spent a Christmas with them at all. Husband and I had a serious talk today and plan to make some changes next year to make sure we get to visit all 3 sides for Christmas. Now that I am getting older and thinking of children in the future I really want to make the occasions all about family like I remember when I was young. This is something we need to straighten out and get right so that we can have new traditions to pass on.

This year we had Christmas Eve at my Aunts house. Our families are growing and my grandparents home is getting tight with all their grandchildren and partners!

These are my lovely grandparents that love to sing Italian songs during dinner.

Christmas Day I was the host ;). We had Christmas lunch with my husbands family at our place and it was a hit! (I will write more in detail during the week)

Zoe was helping me prepare as well ahah!

My mother in law brought the turkey and I made the rest.
-Pork Roast
- potatoes
-garlic zucchini
-Balsamic Salad
and Apple pie!
It was so nice to spend so much time with our families during the holidays and I am so grateful!

I am also grateful for the many sweet gifts we received, which included many Starbucks gift cards. Not sure if it is too good when husband and I received 6 in total. I won't even mention the amount it adds up to Ha! So much for cutting coffee! (more on this, later in the week)

... Movie Alert: Today I went to see Avatar in 3D, and if you did not see it, you must! It was a great movie! I loved it!