Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Apple picking fun!

A new family tradition my husband and I made for ourselves in our first years of marriage was Apple picking every fall

We were all so excited that this year included our new little addition to our family. 

Little k was ready for some apple picking! And eating! Haha 

We picked 2 bags full! Yummy! Honeycrisp was a new one we picked this year. 

Then we headed inside the shop and bought a lot of Apple baked goods! 
This place has the best apple pies! 

I love that my husband and I made new traditions for our little family. 

After Apple picking little k got to play in the playground for a bit. 

Oh and eat honey sticks haha
Little K loves honey! 

Now some apple recipes to try! I saw one on The Chew last week. Can't wait to try it out. It's like little Apple pie bites! Yum! 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Just a little snow for fall

Our first snow fall! Ok it’s not even winter yet, and yesterday was a crazy evening driving home in rush hour as the snow came down. Oh and the freezing temperature making the roads icy and horrible to drive in.


I really shouldn’t complain, I mean, we had a great Fall and from -18 to +9 tomorrow we all can agree that mother nature is a bit confused ha!


I’m soo glad I bought these Sorel boots. Walking from my parking spot to and from work was a piece of cake yesterday evening and this morning.


Oh and my leather gloves with the iphone tips. Perfect.



Yesterday I left work just as the snow began.  I spent 3 hours in the car. Picking up little K from daycare and heading home. We stopped along the way to pick up hot chocolate for me and a grilled cheese for little K. That made sitting in traffic on the hwy a bit better. Little K was asking to go to the bathroom while we were in traffic eek. I told him to hold it. and he did! haha. He was in his pull ups and I was surprised that he held it till we got home! We are in the car a lot! So potty training and car rides… this will be a new challenge for us. If you have any suggestions please leave a comment below!


Yesterday was just the first snow fall and it wasn’t THAT bad. We have worse to come. I’m also sending my prayers to all those in Buffalo that got hit really bad. Stay safe and warm. Lets pray our winter takes it easy this year.  


I’m trying to be as ready for winter as we can be.


Are you winter ready?

***house update. Stucco is done! 

Happy Thursday! Weekend is around the corner! 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Weekend with Friends and Family over Eggs, Steaks and Baleadas

We had a great weekend with family and friends.


Saturday morning I went out for breakfast with a friend and brought little K along. We went to Milestones in the mall. I’ve never been there for breakfast. It was really nice and  the portions were HUGE . Little K’s kids menu of Bacon and Eggs was really the size for adults.


Breakfast with the ladies. 

I spent the rest of the day with my little man, shopping and gathering last minute things for our trip.


New sun hats!



Saturday night we went out for dinner with some friends. Steak and Wine!

I guess you can say I’m beginning to be picky with my steak. We go out for steak dinners often, and I like to try different types. Saturday I had the New York Steak (for the first time) The others got Rib eye steak and bone in Rib eye. I think the Bone in rib eye was the best one I tasted.


The appetizers were delicious too. Calamari, Fries, Sautéed mushrooms, Sugar snap peas. Yum!


A great evening with friends! 

Sunday morning I had to go into work for  couple hours.

zzzz I left the Mr and little K sleeping all snuggled in, while I left the house on a cold dark Sunday morning ha!


They woke up when I got home haha, they didn’t miss me at all.


I got home, got everyone ready, and we headed out to have Brunch at my inlaws.  


Honduran Breakfast, Baleadas!


Soooo good!


Flour Tortillas, Refried beans, Eggs, Avocado, Cheese, YUM!


I can’t wait for my new kitchen! I have a list of Italian and Honduran recipes that I want to perfect.


Growing up we always had Big family lunches on Sunday’s. My mom would make lasagna.


The Mr grew up with Baleadas for weekend breakfasts. These are 2 recipes that have priority, but we have a list of Italian and Honduran recipes we want to pass on to our children. :)



Although I must say, life is VERY different now than it was when I grew up. We are always on the go and out and about, I rarely have weekends home where I can spend hours making a delicious meal. I can tell you that I am NOT one to spend hours in the kitchen cooking (I enjoy cooking, just not for hours ha) . So that’s why we came up with a menu of dishes we love from growing up and those are the dishes we will focus on to pass on to our kids. Only a few of them are ones that take a lot of time.  That I can do! I can’t wait to get our new home and set new traditions for our kid(s)! 

Hope you all have a great Monday! 

We have snow!!! 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Remembrance Day Canada

Today was Remembrance Day. The husband and I had the day off.

So we decided to make it a day in the city...

It started with dropping little k off at daycare. 

Then we went to a restaurant for breakfast. Right by the lake. 

Sooo good! 

After that big breakfast we sat by the lake and enjoyed the view. 

Ahh and it was a beautiful fall day!!

Next stop Indigo book store for a latte and some books the Mr needed to get. 

We then headed to Queens park where thousands of people gathered for a ceremony to honour our veterans. 

Lest We Forget. 

After a beautiful ceremony we stayed downtown and went to the mall... Then a late lunch. 

Eeee lots of food. 

A good day in the city. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Just a little weekend fun!

This weekend really began on Thursday night. Catching up with my sister and cousin over lattes :) 

We always have deep conversations about our past, present and future, and it always ends in giving out our support and love for one another. 

Friday was a work day for me, but little K and my husband had the day off. 

They went to the museum together. How cute are these pictures of their day!? 

Little k wouldn't stop talking about his fun day with dad! 

They started the day with a big breakfast...

So cute! 

Friday night I met up with friends I haven't seen in 12 years! Childhood friends I grew up with. We were best friends before that for 21 years! 

It was soo nice to see them and catch up. Listening to everyone's story, all that's happened and missed in 12 years. Marriages, babies, careers, health. We could have stayed out all night catching up ha! 

Saturday I went to visit my grandparents and spent the day with these cuties! 

And Saturday night was date night :) 

Dinner and live music. 

We had a Fun weekend!

But so sad it went by soo fast! 

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Halloween fun!

Halloween was rainy and cold so that was super scary ha! 

This is just a quick post to capture little k's Halloween! 

This year he was an astronaut! 

We went went out with my nieces and little k loved going door to door saying trick or treat! 

This year he loved pointing out the scary things and saying "look mom! That's scary, I'm scared" haha adorable. 

His favorite candy so far, smarties and lollipops! 

I don't know about you, but I can't believe Halloween has past and Christmas is not that far away! 

The other day my husband and I went for a nice fall walk by the lake and a yummy meal. 

Love all the colors of fall!

Love this picture of the Mr by the lake and Downtown in the background. 

Yup that's a cop on a horse. Just taking a stroll by the lake. 

We need to take advantage of this not so bad weather this fall. It's not freezing cold yet. So hopefully we will have more time for these beautiful walks.