Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2014

Where have I been...

It's been hard finding time to blog. Our new routine is now just our routine, but some things like watching TV and blogging have been put on the back burner. In the end, these things take time. Time I don't have much of.  When I'm trying to fit in so much in my day after 5pm, not having these 2 things part of it actually has me with that little bit of quiet time at the end of the day. But I love my blog and love blogging our life. So I will try and make more time for it! ;) there are many milestones I don't want to miss! 

There are some new things in our lives that are taking up our time. Things like potty training! 
Little k understands what his potty is for. We sit him on it every night before bath time. We still have a long way to go :) but in baby steps we are doing well! 

...Things like family time and date nights! Take up our time :) 

And the biggest thing taking up our time right now is a new home! We decided to buy a new home to be built in November! So we have been doing a lot of running around choosing all the things that we want in this new home. 

With this also comes decluttering and staging of our current home to sell. I'll blog about that one day too! Ha! 

My goal is to blog at least once a week! Starting now! 

Happy Monday! 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Busy days!

I have less time to blog these days. Back to work has us soo busy! 

It's 930pm and I made myself give some of my time to my blog! 

Our routine is pretty smooth, mornings and evenings. Just that evenings are jammed packed doing one thing after another without a break all the way till bedtime. I'm starting to do my groceries online and getting them delivered so that will take out one thing from our schedule. So far that's working out great! 

Oh and slowcooker meals! That wil be another post. I love love my slowcooker. Today, ham and pineapple. Tomorrow beef stew! 

We are also fitting in 2 nights a week of working out in the basement once the little one is sleeping. Usually a half hour or so while I watch one of the shows I like, like modern family or revenge! Other than that there's not much time left to sit and watch TV! 

What is my little man up to these days? 
He loves daycare and is so happy to go every morning which makes all 3 of us super happy! 

He is learning and growing so fast! His vocabulary is getting better and better. He surprises me everyday! He knows a lot of shapes, colors, numbers and letters. He sings songs to us, he is always busy playing and learning. I love how he always practices until he gets it. He doesn't give up! And in no way could we offer our help either! He's mr independent. 

I love how we have conversations together. I love the conversations that have words, actions and sounds. Like the other morning we came down for breakfast and he was telling me the story of how he and baby Ella had cereal together the night before. The story went something like this. "Mama! Ella, krishan eat cereal here (pointing to the cereal bowl on the table where they sat the night before sharing cereal) Ella um um" (making a chewing gesture with his mouth, saying Ella ate the cereal like that haha) 

Ha! It was adorable. 

This weekend we went to visit my grandparents. Little k was showing my grandmother how to use his toy helicopter. Ha! They both had a blast playing together. 

Hope you all had a great Monday! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Here and there

I haven't blogged for a couple weeks! We have been so busy! A lot going on here. 

A couple new things... I'm going back to work full-time in the new year! 
We are going to New York soon for a weekend trip! 
Anddddddd we are considering moving in the next year or so! 

2014 will definitely be the year of change. A new outlook on my life. Leaving the negative behind me and bringing in more positive. 

I've also been doing a lot of meditation and really focusing on personal and spiritual growth. 

I believe now more than ever that God has a plan for all of us. We need to be open and allow him to show us that path. In the middle of all the bad there's good waiting. Something better. Even when it's hard to see how that could be possible. 

Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plan I have for you, declares The Lord. Plans to prosper you, and not to hard you. Plans to give you hope and a future. 

Little K is growing so fast and seriously a 2 year old going on 4. He is so independent, sweet, loving, persistent ha!  No mean no with him these days. 

His vocabulary is exploding and when he says new things I even shed a tear because it's all so amazing to me watching him learn. 

Christmas is around the corner and I still have a long list of gifts to get! I better get shopping! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Our prayers were answered!

My aunt had her liver transplant and she's doing well! A long recovery ahead but we are all so positive and so happy it all went smooth! 

Just a reminder that signing that donor card saves lives. Just 1 donor can save 8 lives. 

I'm overwhelmed with emotions, my aunt gets that second chance and gets her life back after so many years of suffering. we are so blessed. 

Thank you for your prayers! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A beautiful emotional day

I've said it before... I stopped really expressing my thoughts on my blog. I keep it light and simple for the most part.  I try not to get too 'deep' anymore. Maybe I don't know what to really say sometimes or maybe a little fear of being judged. Or maybe it's just hard to be so open with personal issues. 

Anyway, today I'm emotional and I'm just going to write from the heart. My father passed away from liver disease and my aunt has been struggling with it now for years.  Yesterday we heard good news about a donor for her.(the second time this year) The family prayed and she was at the hospital with her family prepping this big surgery. I spoke to her and my cousin briefly but I felt the emotions through the phone. The hope, the fear the uncertainty of it all. I went to bed praying for my aunt. I woke up and called my mom right away. The surgery didn't happen. I don't know the details, but I do know my family is heart broken. 

I trust in God. And I trust that everything happens for a reason. 

(Google photo credit) 

I'm praying for the strength of my family. 

Today baby k is still stuffy and we were going to stay home but I thought a little drive would be good. So we went down to the city to visit my dad in the cemetery. Baby k is so young but I feel he understands why we go there. He knows that's 'Nonno' he says it, he plays and blows kisses. I want him to know that my dad meant a lot to me and even though he was far from perfect he was my dad and always always loved us. I have much more good memories with him than bad... and thats what matters. And I know that he is always here for me, even though he isn't here. He was never a candidate for a donor. He never made the list. He passed away at 46. 

So today we just spent sometime asking him to watch over us and pray with us. 

Told you I'm having an emotional day ;)

We ended our morning going to our favorite car wash haha 

and picking up lunch in our old neighborhood.  

It was a beautiful morning.