Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Friday Finally!

This week I've been doing pretty good with my eating, with a few exceptions, but overall keeping within my calories. Something changed this week, I've been drinking so much milk! I hardly drink milk and I've been having 2 full cups a night! Since my new found love for milk I figure this weekend when I do groceries I'll buy 1% instead so I can save those calories.

I'm so happy it's Friday and we have Monday off for "Family Day" a long weekend is sooo needed! This week I've been so tired, I feel like a slug going through my days then when I get home I don't want to do anything. Sometimes I wonder how could I be so tired taking care of just meeee!hmm.

On another topic, today I stopped by Homesense and found this Cat piece. When I paid for it the cashier said "Oh finally the cat is gone, it was here for so long" LOL my husband looked at me with a "what a cat freak you are" look ... ugh I am... :)

And talking about cats, that little girl Zoe has been SOOOOO BAD lately! We have been so busy or just so tired we are not giving her the affection she use to. Every night she meows and jumps on things and running out the door every chance she gets and begging for food, all foods it's so weird she wants whatever we have, she thinks she's a dog ahah!. I know she is just looking for our attention so it makes me feel bad, but her meowssss they are turning into screams! Ok I exaggerated haha! She is still my cute furbaby I love her no matter what! :)

Happy Fridayyyyyyyy!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Relaxing Weekend

Thank you so much bloggy friends, you always make me feel better with your comments and advice ;)

I got all caught up on the house work, husband helped organize some rooms that were making me crazy too. A clean organized house always helps in relieving stress.

We also went out for a delicious Italian dinner yesterday night, we haven't had Italian in so long. So I ordered a big bowl of pasta! (

This afternoon we did some Christmas shopping and I stopped at Home Sense and I found these cute pieces all 4 for $12.99. I pictured the perfect place for them and they worked out perfectly!

These ones say "Work like you don't need the money" and "Dance like no one is watching"

These ones say " Love like you've never been hurt" and "Sing like no one is listening"

Love them!

Hope you all had a good weekend too! ;)

It's grocery shopping time. My new meal plans and goals will begin tomorrow.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Some weekend shopping

While husband was away this weekend I had Saturday morning to myself and I had woken up pretty early so decided to hit some outlet stores before visiting my grandparents. I went to Winners and bought this door mat above. It sorta camouflages with the tiles, not too sure If I like it or not, but it was extremely hard to pick one to begin with. So it's staying aahahah!

I also found this scarf for $14.99 it's nice and big and can be worn as a shawl as well. Love pink!!

I had a budget this weekend and really did not want to over spend so I stopped myself from heading into the mall...what I do not see I will not buy :)

But... my uncle has a an outlet store for designer fashion and he was having a big sale this weekend. My sister and I really wanted to go but were worried about over spending since we have done so many times while there. But we love the clothing there so decided to go anyway!

While there I found 3 cute blouses and fell in love with a winter jacket. I couldn't decide what to put down since I did not want to spend that much. I brought my items to the cashier and asked how much it would all be... and to my surprise my uncle made me pay for the coat only! So I only spent $60.00!!! For 3 gorgeous blouses and a winter jacket! (Winter jacket had a price tag of originally $295!) I was soooo happy!!!! Love Love my family! :)

Next on my shopping list is knee high boots for fall/winter. I'll be on the look out for a good deal!

Happy Monday everyone!!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Flu...Again! But still galavanted around the city ;)

So I got the flu.. AGAIN just had it two weeks ago and now its back worse than it was and so far longer... I had a busy weekend, my sister stayed over for the weekend cause the guys took a trip to Montreal, so no way I was going to let this flu ruin my weekend!.... I kept going this weekend with Tylenol cold and flu tabs every 4 hours, it helped me stay up and about but boyyyyyy am I feeling the drain right now ;(... I hope I didnt make things worse. A friend of mine told me to eat lots of Oranges, so I went and bought lots. I'll be eating two right now, then I'm just going to stay stuck on this couch the rest of the evening.

Overall the weekend was a success. My sister and I shopped lots. I got some amazing deals ;) Like I mentioned before I am not a shopaholic, I do love to shop but I'm one of those shoppers that go shop for "just what I need" type things... But this weekend we had it planned that we would just have fun and shop and buy whatever we liked (within our budget of course) ;)... So I set my mind to it and I did great. I bought some spring and summer clothing and 3 pairs of summer shoes and a pair of winter boots.... didn't neeeeed any of them, but sooo happy I have them, I am sure I will put it all to gooood use!.... I have to show you the great deals I got. Winners had a clearance sale and I got these boots for $9.00! I know! reg $70 and I got these cute black pumps for 3.00!!!!!!! Reg $50. Amazing HUH. I got these other shoes as well, regular prices but just had to get them for summer time ;).

I also bought this hair mask, i totally recommend. A couple years ago I had bleach Blonde hair, and when I dyed it to brown it basically all fried off, (thats another story, it was very devastating) LOL but I'm all good now, nice and natural ... but this Hair mask Protein RX is what really helped me get my healthy hair back, i used it for about 6 months at the time while growing my hair and it really helped. So I decided to buy it again just to use about every 2 weeks to keep my hair nice and strong. You can get this at Sephora, it's amazing.

We also did our weigh in for the $300 weightloss challenge, Starts today...I'll write about that tomorrow. ;)