Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Baby M is 2! 

How can this sweet boy be 2 years old already! It brings tears to my eyes. How fast these 2 years have gone by! He has brought so much fun, laughter and craziness to our family haha. Strong willed Mr independent 2 year old with the kindest heart, best smile and laugh and the best cuddle bug around! 

Mikey! You are in size 2T and size 5 diapers. 

You keep asking to be potty trained haha by bringing us to the bathroom so you can sit and pretend to pee ha! 

You say a lot these days and make sure we listen. 

You are super friendly, screaming hello to everyone you see.

You try and boss your big bro around but mostly love to make him laugh by being a silly little brother. 

Your favorite word is NO and we all get a kick asking you all sorts of questions that you will say NO to. 

You loveee to eat! And you alwats have  food in your mouth and hands! 

You have sooooo much energy, mommy gets tired keeping up! 

We love you soo much!!! 

You and your brother at 2 years old haha love side by sides! 

Well the weekend was also my birthday And my moms too! 

Grandma watched the kids while the Mr and I went out for dinner and jazz night!

I love this selfie. Haha real life with a 2 year old! Pick me up mama! :) 

We all had a blast for our birthdays! 

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

blink! it's August!

Umm July just flew by. 
Summer has been super fun! With events, beach days, soccer days and more! 
A little july recap in pics! 
Lots of dinner dates with these boys! 
Mr K loves loves loves salmon! He loves sashimi and he also loves grilled salmon. When he walks in the store we buy our meat/fish from, he immediately goes to the fish and wants to buy it all! Haha! 
One this about little K, is that he loves food. Avocados, salmon, steaks, blueberries are at the top of his list. This little 5 year old talks about food with a passion! 

We also went to the Honda Indy. Both boys loved it. 
We are in the last few weeks of soccer practice. Mr M is the coach. Fun but also exhausting haha. The kids love him. 

 Baby M wants to play too! He's the little helper, placing the pylons haha. 

Another summer tradition we have is going to the drive in. There's a little park there, the kids play before the movie. Then we get popcorn and snacks and her cozy in the trunk! 

 We are trying to get to the beach every week! Summers are short here so we must enjoy them! 



We are headed back to the beach this weekend! Lots of BBQ and sunshine! 

These cousins have so much fun together. 

And new baby A is almost a month old! 

Last weekend we had my cousins baby shower! She's having a boy! 

We are soo excited! 

 I went to the shower without my kids and it was a lovely afternoon vacation lunch haha

Catching up with the ladies was soo nice. Love these beautiful ladies! 

So much more summer fun to come. 

The kids are at summer camp during the day. 


Baby M is learning so much and so fast! Howwwww is he almost 2! 

These boys love each other so much 

 Happy August! 

Baby M's birthday is almost a week away!!!! 



Thursday, July 13, 2017

summer things

 Ahhhh we have a new baby in the family!! We are soo excited to finally meet baby A! My sister gave birth last week to a 8lbs 1oz adorable little new niece! I'm a very lucky Aunt! Surrounded by smart beautiful nieces! 

The cuteness! 

The kids are so in love with her. Little K told all his summer camp friends and teachers. I loved seeing the excitement on his face when we told him baby A was being born that day. Almost made me want to have more babies!!! Haha almost. Haha

The day my sister gave birth I brought my niece over to sleep over. They loved the little sleep over they got to have. 

Ugh she's the cutest. 

Over the weekend we had my brothers 40th bday.

My sister in law is a great party planner. Everything was set up so perfectly. We had a great time catching up with family and friends! 

 It's been pretty busy since we came back from our trip! It's been a go go go kinda summer so far. A lot of fun kind of go go go so it's amazing but exhausting at the same time haha. 

 I'm trying to get back on track! Of course exercising with a toddler is always fun.

We are looking to move too! (More on That in another post) So add that in the mix of a fun filled summer. We have a lot of house viewings which have had us out of the house eating a lot of fast food! It's time to get back on track with eating healthy! I need to make the healthier choice when out and about! 

I can't believe we are mid July! I just booked baby M's birthday party and cake! Really!!! He's going to be 2!

My baby is growing up so fast! 

We are having a TMNT party! 

I can't even remember when he was this little! I'll go cry now haha