Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday with family

Today we had family over for a Fall BBQ. The weather here this weekend was just beautiful!
I just love the space in my dining room, for the room I had issues with decorating I've been understanding more and more it's purpose. It is perfect for our big family get togethers!

Lots of food and lots of dessert!

My husbands cousins came as well and I got a little taste of how it would be with kids in the house.... Chasing a 2 year old up and down my stairs for hours, not fun Ha! Stair gates will be needed when we have kids. Poor Zoe was also being chased and smothered, but she was a good sport about it. And I realized that I need to get my dining room chairs upholstered to leather and not just because of Zoe but with kids it will be much easier to clean. I also have a new appreciation for my back yard. It is a perfect space for kids to run around in :)

Now it's time to clean up! I'm exhausted! .... and so is Zoe.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Beautiful Fall day!

The fall colors are just gorgeous!

Zoe is enjoying her morning too

Let the weekend begin! :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Lazy Friday night

I'm exhausted! There goes another busy week! But the weekend is here and I'm happy! Tonight we decided to take it easy.

We went for dinner and I didn't choose the healthiest choice but heck it was a tough week!

After we went for dinner we decided to just come home and relax! We had a date night in and we did not move from the couch at all Ha!

This weekend is filled with family get togethers but I want to make sure I get to the below...

Some things I want to do this weekend:
Workout both Saturday and Sunday!
Make a new recipe from the Skinny Italian cook book!
Work on some goals for my side biz!
and Clean out my closets and bring old clothes to goodwill.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

With God All Things Are Possible

First let me talk a little about the past 2 days, the rescue of the MINERS! Let me say WOW! what an emotional and amazing rescue! I'm so happy for the miners and their family's! One of my favorite stories I heard was the one where 2 miners stopped their truck that day 70 days ago because they saw a white butterfly and were fascinated with it flying around in the mine. They stopped to look at it, and that's when the collapse happened just further ahead. The butterfly saved their lives! God was there!

Tonight I went to visit my sister and we spent some time shopping around. I bought these cute little vanilla scented candles and these little mini bible verses . Love them! You know I love having my house full of word art so these are perfect little finds. I placed one near my front door and one in my dining room :)

And of course I bought Zoe a gift for her litter room.
FRIDAY!!!! the best day of the week is near! Sooo I'm happy!

Happy FRIDAY!!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

ThanksGiving Day!

Yum! Turkey and stuffing and veggies and plenty of dessert! It was thanksgiving weekend.

We had a busy weekend, visiting family and we also had a wedding on Sunday 10-10-10.

We had turkey dinner at my in laws place, and I cut the turkey!

We enjoyed great food and listened to my father inlaw and brother inlaw play the violin and guitar. They were entertaining and felt so relaxing after our huge meal!

My husbands cousins were visiting as well and they are such adorable little girls. They followed me around everywhere. They are just too cute!

Sunday was a beautiful day for a wedding. The weather was so nice! They had a outdoor ceremony and the grounds were so pretty with all the beautiful colors of the trees.
Too bad I blinked in sooo many of my pictures tho. ahahh!

The beautiful bride. We had a great time partying with all our friends. I just love going to weddings.

The weekend went by wayyy to fast! I feel like I need a extra day to rest! :(

We did manage to fit in a movie this weekend. We watched Social Network. We really liked the movie. So I totally recommend it.

Hope you all had a good weekend!

(I think I'll need to add some extra workouts this week!)

Friday, October 08, 2010

Sweet Baby Girl

Sooo sweet! Today I went to visit my little niece! Such a doll! She is only a month old and so strong already. She was holding her head up and looking around everywhere. Mom (SIL) is doing really well and pretty much lost ALL her baby weight! In a MONTH! It's amazing. And here I am struggling with just 10lbs Ha!

Iphone pics not the greatest.

This week was a another tough one at work. But the week flew by! Whoohoo!

I've been enjoying my drives to and from work with audio books. I love self help type books that make me feel good and allow me to dream big etc etc but recently on itunes I decided to buy.... Belly Laughs from Jenny McCarthy. Don't judge :) I know I'm not preggo. It's actually a very hilarious audio book. I laugh out loud while driving in the car! So I'm enjoying my rides learning about pregoness (lol) and laughing :)

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Monday, October 04, 2010

The salmon took forever!

Tonight for dinner I made baked Salmon. I bought a new wine and herb seasoning. The package said 10 mins but the salmon I bought was pretty thick, so I thought ok, 20 mins... 30 mins? almost 40 mins! really! I never baked salmon before I've only made it on the grill so was not expecting it to take so long. Well the husband loved it. I on the other hand wasn't a fan of the seasoning, but I did it plenty of the garlic broccoli!

Tonight is workout night (workout while watching DWTS), but after waiting so long for dinner I just feel pooped and rather sit on the couch and NOT MOVE!! It's the Monday blues! BUT I think after writing this I may go hop on my Gazelle and get moving!

My search for fall stuff continues. I think I must of thrown it all out! I can't find it anywhere! So for now my outdoors only has pumpkins. :)

This weeks Goals:
*Smoothie or Oatmeal for Breakfasts
*Only 1 coffee a day (going well!!)
*1500 Calories/day
* Tracking calories on Iphone "my fitness pal app"
*Drink lots of water everyday! A MUST! (min 2L a day)
* 3 bite rule on sweets (I neeed to really follow this!)
* 3 workouts this week (off to a bad start)

What are your weekly goals?