Wednesday, April 13, 2016

My jeans fit!

That's right. My pre-preg jeans fit! A little snug but they zip and button with no problem! I still have a lot of weight to lose but this definitely made me more motivated! My body is different after baby 2, so that I accept. I am making lifestyle changes to reach my goal. 

I saw a picture of a woman on facebook the other day of her post partum belly after 1 month and she was saying that her belly was still big and upset about it. 

It's sad that we expect our bodies to bounce back so quickly after we have a baby. It happens for some women but for some of us it takes more work. My tummy was never the same after baby 1! 

I can say that 7 months post partum my body is finally feeling somewhat normal again. It takes time! We are all different too. I don't drop weight quickly, it takes work, and with 2 kids, I am still trying to find a balance that includes me time. 

We recently bought a playpen for the basement so baby M can play while I get some workouts in. 

With our family of 4 now we are pretty busy! So I'm always looking for fast and  easy meals that don't require too much work! 

I blogged about my pressure cooker before, because I absolutely love it. 

One pot meals in 10-30mins makes for fast meals and fast clean up!

Yesterday we made chili tacos. 

Little k loves chilli, he had 2 bowls full! 

The other night I made honduran meal called baleadas. Mmm! Soo good 
I'm making a easy recipe booklet for myself ha! 

So far it looks like baby m is a great eater
Feeding himself sweet potato! 

These kids are growing so fast! 
Baby M is lifting himself to stand! 

Ha ️adorable! 

Yesterday we got our new suv! Little k was so excited, he was waiting for daddy to get home. Once he arrived we went for a ride and both kids fell asleep ha! It was a peaceful ride. 

I can't wait for the weekend. We are finally getting some nicer weather! 

Have a great week friends! 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

It's been non-stop since we got back from our family vacation. Has it been 3 weeks already!!! Take me back to the beach! 

I even forgot to do a 7 month post for baby M! I'll just wait for the 15th and do a 8 month post :) 

What have we been up to in the last 3 weeks... 

Many sushi dates with the boys :)
Little k asks us weekly to go out for sushi! 

Baby m is eating a lot these days and perfected the pincer grip! 

My boys love to eat! 

So do I ha! But I'm trying very hard to watch what I eat and exercise a couple times a week. Although, it gets tough when the kids get sick with the flu. Tired mommy makes for lazy eating junk food. But we are 7 months postpartum and 7 pounds away from pre-preg weight. 

Okok back to the kids.
We put foam Mats down in the upstairs playroom. Baby m is crawling all over and trying to lift himself to stand! 

Easter was a lot of fun with family. 

The kids had an Easter egg hunt. They got so many easter gifts too, no shortage of chocolate here. 

Total cuteness right here. I can't handle his squishy body.

My niece turned 3 last week. She loved her princess party. She's a little princess. 

Ha! How cute is that pic. My boys are surrounded by princesses! 

Both kids were under the weather last week so we didn't do much! 

Just a lot of family time and snuggles for these boys. 

Yesterday we had 2 birthday parties. K's friend's bday and a family party. My godfathers 60th birthday! 
It was a surprise party, which was so much fun! 

I've been absolutely loving my time home with my boys. We have just 4 months left of maternity leave. Mommy won't be around full time anymore :( it makes me so sad! I'm so lucky to have had this time off. Especially with little k in school. I think he really enjoys having me pick him up and there for his every need. 

So we are trying different things that can help us have as much time with our boys as we can when it's  back  to work. Things like walmart grocery pickup that we just tried today. It Was great! I ordered online then went to walmart, called them and they came out to my car with my groceries! How great is this! The kids were happy in the car and no expensive grocery bill from having my 4yo wanting everything in sight! 

I have so many topics to blog about! Hopefully I'll be back on schedule this week! 

Have a great Monday friends! 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Family vacation

This March break we took the kids to Jamaica! We went to Gran Bahia Principe runaway bay. We came to this resort 6 years ago. It's actually better than it was. We had a wonderful stay!

On the way there baby m slept on the plane, the whole way! Little K played and watched a movie.
He was Soo interested and asked a lot of questions as he looked out the window. His favorite part was landing. His eyes were glued to the window. 

The resort was beautiful and the weather was amazing! 

Our suite had a big King bed, a twin bed and a crib. We faced the pool and ocean but surrounded by Palm trees. 

We spent most our days on the beach!
And I mean days 9am-5pm some days we didn't go to the pool at all. The beach and the sun and breeze was soo relaxing.

It was a short walk to the beach but we loved the walk. Stopping for coconut water and taking in the view!
Little k would take his sweet time! 
The water is calm and great for small kids. He played in the sand for hours! 

We took some professional pics on the beach too. Cutest beach pics! 

The pool was nice and big. Both kids love the water, ocean and pool. 

I think lunch was our favorite time of the day. Ha! Delicious jerk chicken at the beach restaurant. Oh! And daily live music too! Eating lunch with a view was soo awesome. 

Breakfast was pretty good too. Better when we sat outside of the buffet. The weather was so great, we just wanted to soak it all up! 

Dinners were a little tougher with the kids because they were tired at 7pm so After dinner we would go to the lobby to relax and listen to the live band but the kids would fall asleep! The kids show was pretty late but we got to it a couple times. 

The stroller came in handy... For big boy more than baby. Ha! 

Overall it was a great vacation. Resort and staff was great. Not one complaint. The kids really enjoyed it. We all did. With 2 kids it was a little extra work getting around. We had so much fun and soaked up all the sun. But we were all ready to come back home to the calm of things. Little k would ask why we were there for 100 days haha! He totally cracked us up. Little k owned his vacation, he would stand by the shore and soak in the sun and view. Baby m hit so many milestones while we were there. Crawling and feeding himself cheerios! 

Our first family vacation as 4! 

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Baby M's Baptism

Sunday we celebrated a very special day! 

Baby M's baptism. Joining us in our Catholic faith.

We chose a special couple, cousins of mine to be his Godparents. We are so blessed and thankful to have them in our life and now even closer to our family. 

I loved the message our Deacon had for us. He loved seeing a church full of family and friends coming together to see their loved ones getting baptized. There were about 10 babies getting baptized Sunday. The whole church was just filled with so much love. 

That morning our family came over to dress baby M in his special outfit. 

Our tradition is That the Godparents dress him. 

His Godparents got him his first Gold necklace with a cross. Just beautiful. 

Little k was all dressed up to celebrate his little brother too! 
️adorable little navy blue suit with a vest and tie and of course starwars addidas shoes. 
Daddy and son looking great! 
The beautiful godparents! 

My beautiful family! 

It was such a fun morning! 

Baptism time! 
Our friends and family were all there to witness baby M's baptism. 

After baby M's was blessed with holy water, my husband held a candle to the alter.

It was a beautiful day. 

After the ceremony we all headed to the restsurant to celebrate! 

I'll blog about that tomorrow!