Thursday, July 16, 2009

Almost Friday!...Almost Monday!

How Cute is Zoe sitting at our island thinking she's getting some bbq ribs! I'm so happy having Zoe around, she really does keep me entertained, whether it's yelling at her to get off the counters ha! or watching her sun tan in the sun (shes as white as I am hahah!) or just cuddling with her, she's the best kitty.

She is helping me study for my interviews by being a great listener as I go over questions and answers. Altho I'm still nervous about Monday's interview I decided to take a different approach. As I prepare for the interview I NEED to remember to not let it take over my LIFE! Yesterday I was pretty much freaked out about it (Thank you fellow bloggers for your supportive words too :). Today I'm much better. I guess I'm learning these days I'm a crappy stress handler, yucky!

But at least I'm doing pretty good with my goals so far whohoo!. I'm cutting the dinner carbs and have been eating at home this whole week this far! :) and planning to keep it up all weekend! (I hope)

That was yesterdays dinner, yum! Casar salad with cucumbers (a must for me) with Slow cooked BBQ ribs! Slow cooked on high for 4 hours and soooo yummy. The slow cooker is really the best invention ever. This is one thing I'm looking forward to using even more when I start working full time. Having dinner ready when I walk in the door will be the happiest moments for me ahahahh.

If you have any slow cooker recipes you want to share, let me know!


  1. Good luck on your interview- I 'm glad you have such a good helper.

    I don't have a slow cooker- so no recipes from me. sorry. but Imperfect and Finding Joy in My Kitchen both do. They should be links from my blog. if not let me know.

  2. i don't even know how to use my slow cooker! lame, i know!! but those bbq ribs looks so good, i need to try that out.

  3. That meal looks fabulous!! YOu have got me craving that right now! Yummy!
