Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Humpdate Update

I wore this new outfit I bought on the weekend. You'll never ever catch me in those Bermuda type shorts, but I was brave to buy a pair the other day and decided to wear em. However, I did wear my good ol Spanx underneath them hhhahaha! It did smooth out the bumps and humps :) but let me tell you it was a painful evening. Tucking in everything so hard that I had ab pains like I had a workout the next day ahah! I also decided to wear my spanx yesterday with my jeans, and I was pretty happy with the way it looked. I think Spanx will become one of my daily wears!

Today is Wednesday and still no movement on the scale! GRR. I'm heading out to do some groceries and stocking up on fruits and veggies. I'm thinking of going back on my banana and tea breakfast, quick and light.

Before I go I wanted to do this little game I copied from here

Here’s how it works: USE ONLY ONE WORD!
It’s not as easy as you might think. Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It’s really hard to use only one-word answers.

1. Where is your cell phone? pocket
2. Your hair? ponytail
3. Your mother? interesting
4. Your father? passed
5. Your favorite food? Japanese
6. Your dream last night? unknown
7. Your favorite drink? Coke
8. Your dream/goal? happiness
9. What room are you in? Kitchen
10. Your hobby? Blogging
11. Your fear? Alone
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy
13. Where were you last night? Out
14. Something that you aren’t? employed
15. Muffins? blueberry
16. Wish list item? BBQ
17. Where did you grow up? Toronto
18. Last thing you did? Dinner
19. What are you wearing? Jeans
20. Your TV? off
21. Your pets? sleeping
22. Friends? home
23. Your life? blessed
24. Your mood? ok
25. Missing someone? dad
26. Vehicle? driveway
27. Something you’re not wearing? Ring
28. Your favorite store? Winners
29. Your favorite color? Green
30. When was the last time you laughed? now
31. Last time you cried? yesterday
32. Your best friend? sister
33. One place that I go to over and over? Caribbean
34. One person who emails me regularly? sister
35. Favorite place to eat? McDonalds

Almost Friday Whoohoo!

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