Thursday, July 23, 2009

Today's lunch is light! Spinach Caesar salad with 2 tortillas. Lets see if this will actually keep be going until dinner. Tonight's Dinner will be Beef Stirfry with lots of veggies!

The week is going well with eating at home, yesterday I made yummy chicken ribs (didn't even know these existed until I found them at the grocery store) They were pre-seasoned and all I had to do was pop em in the oven with some potatoes. I'm all about the easy cooking :)

I also did my Gazelle today and I feel great! Really looking forward to dropping some of this extra weight, so far it's not budging! I've had my Gazelle for about 4 years now and I use it on and off, I do remember using it a lot before I got married and I remember it working pretty well. So lets hope I remember correctly ahah!
TGIT, cause tomorrow is Friday! I'm really looking forward to the weekend. We are going to a Brazilian restaurant on Saturday night and I'm looking forward to eating lots of meat! I'll take pics, this restaurant is one of my favorites. They serve all types of grilled meat and fish and they serve your table as much as you want until you say no moreeee! YUM!

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