Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday weight update

That's my mini trampoline... Have I jumped on it lately? NO... why not? because I've been slacking off big time! Last week and especially this weekend I've been like a slug moving so slowly in my days, and for some reason i have been so tired when I wake up every morning and just want to sleeeeep!

Lets see if I can get through these goals this week I think I can! I did cook at home everyday last week and even twice on the weekend! pretty good on this one huh!

1. No donuts or french fries!!!!!! (please tell me why this part is sooo hard!)
2. Eat as many home cooked meals in a week at least 5 days of the 7
3. Limit carb intake at dinners
4. 1/2 hour a day on the gazelle
5. 5 mins a day on the trampoline
6. drink plenty of water/tea
7. Supplements; Take fish oil pills with lunch.

As for my weight, no change since it went up a couple notches.

I also started a recipe blog so check it out from time to time. I'll post some of my favorite quick and easy meals!

Happy Monday


  1. your trampoline looks just like mine! ok i set my goals for the week too, so let's go for it!! :) i can't wait to check out your recipe blog, great idea.

  2. What about bagels instead of donuts; maybe they're less bad for you? oooh, or raisin english muffins MMMMM

  3. Hope to read your recipe blog soon. I have enjoyed reading your blog today. Blessings,
