Monday, July 06, 2009

Fresh start... but not this morning...

MMM Nutella, Nutella sandwiches (with white toast bread) are so yummy and totally associated with my childhood memories. I made the big mistake of buying it last week when we were waiting 3 days with no fridge and stove. I figured bread and nutella are hardy breakfasts.haha!

However, now I'm addicted and pretty much finished half the jar in a week.

Last week must of been the worst of my eating of all time! I can not even express the amount of donuts and french fries I consumed in a week!

BUT, I need to get back on track. Should I just throw away the half eatn jar? Or just stash it way back in the cupboard. Hmm I know if I leave it in the open I will continue eating it everyday!

My husband finished painting the spare bedrooms and I decided to put my gazelle and mini trampoline in one of the rooms for easy access to my workout equip.

New goals for the week start today! (similar to all my goals) but really I have no more excuses now!

1. No donuts or french fries!!!!!!
2. Eat as many home cooked meals in a week at least 5 days of the 7
3. Limit carb intake at dinners
4. 1/2 hour on the gazelle
5. 5 mins a day on the trampoline
6. drink plenty of water/tea
7. Supplements; Take fish oil pills with lunch, soy lecithin twice a day and 5htp at night.

I also heard that bathing in Epsom salts are really good for water retention. Do you know if that is true? I'll look that up now too.


  1. Do you mean 1/2 an hour on the gazelle? 1/2 a day is a pretty long time LOL!

    I love Nutella, too.

  2. LOL I just laughed so hard. Thank you, I changed it. LOL

  3. what is nutella? sounds addicting, maybe i'm better off not knowing!! :) great goals, we can do it!!

  4. Sunny, its a good thing you never had nutella, its a chocolate spread so yummy lol never buy it ever. ahah
