Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Organic goodies

In the Dominican we took a day trip called "Fonny Monster Safari" Funny name LOL. I recommend this trip to anyone vacationing in Dominican Rep Punta Cana. You get to go through little towns and meet people living day to day. We stopped at this one place where the family made their own products. Things like Sugar, 100% Cocoa, Cinnamon and Coconut oil. So of course I bought some to take home! Yum!

I started reading up on the Coconut oil and read that it is really good as a moisturizer and also a great cooking oil. I cooked with it last night for one of my side dishes. The aroma is a bit strong and I'm not sure how it will be when cooking meats. I will experiment slowly. It's my first time buying this product. Any suggestions are welcomed :)

Hope you are all having a great week!


  1. I started reading your post and couldnt resist responding on Coconut oil.

    In India, there are many states. I come from a state called Kerala which literally means the land of coconuts because every home has several coconut trees grown on the premises. We use coconut for all our dishes, in the form of grated coconut and as coconut oil. It's supposed to be a great skin moisturizer, fantastic taste enhancer and yes, a great cooking oil. A lot of people find the aroma too strong but its actually the element that adds a zing factor to the taste.

    Where I come from, people use coconut oil to nourish the quality of skin and hair too. I am all for it and would definitely be in favor of its use for not just cooking but for skin and haircare too:)

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog!! I will try it my hair too!
