Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Did my baby poop?

These are the things that worry me these days haha. I'm now always making sure my little one is ok. Did he poop today? Is he eating and drinking enough? Did he sleep enough? Is he in pain!? All concerned mommy questions!

My little guy has been teething, his first tooth is making it's way out! Even though he was never been the greatest at sleep, teething has him up sooo much at night!

Yesterday wasn't too bad, but the night before he was up every hour!

He has been pretty cranky too, so I'm making sure he gets all his naps in during the day.

Weaning off Breastfeeding and sleep training is all on hold for now.

Today we went out to buy him some new toys. ;) hope it helps him feel better.


  1. Oh those darn teeth cause such hassle! Poor little guy I hope today is a better day.

  2. aww such a sad face! :-( hope he feels better soon and starts getting some sleep.
